Essay On One Nation One Election In 500+ Words Step by Step


Essay On One Nation One Election

Hello Friends, In this post, we will read about ”Essay On One Nation One Election” With a deep analysis of ”One Nation, One Election” as an Essay On One Nation One Election. It is the most expected topic for all upcoming competitive exams. so, read it carefully.

India is the largest democratic country in the world. general elections for the state assemblies and Lok sabha are held at a difference of 5 years in India.

India’s election is among the world’s most expensive, According to the election commission of India, In 1952, for the first Lok Sabha elections, it cost around Rs 10.45 crore, while in the 2014 general elections, the govt spent almost Rs 3,870.3 crore.

According to, (which tracks money in American politics), about 6.5 US Billion dollars was spent during the U.S. presidential and congressional races in 2016,

But, in addition to this, elections for the different states assemblies are held in some states separately which puts a huge burden on the government. now the governments want to go for just one election in the whole country in the gap of five years.

Simultaneous elections or the One Nation, One Election would mean that every election will be held only once in five years instead of having several elections happening across the country.

Sweden, South Africa, Indonesia, Germany, etc hold simultaneous elections. But it is observed that election is a long process in India. governments spend a lot of money, time, and energy on the conduct of different elections.

That is the reason that the government is thinking about the ”One Nation, One Election” System in India.

The concept of ”One Nation, One Election” can help in reducing the poll expenses, etc. it will save the public money, reduce the burden on administrative setup and security forces, ensure timely implementation of the government policies and also ensure that the administration engaged in developmental activities.

Since the past few years, it is observed that elections take place frequently in some states of India. So, the state machinery and election commission of India engage its resources, manpower to conduct assembly elections in those states.

1952-1967 elections in center and state were held together. however, due to the premature dissolution of some states, the system got disturbed, and these non-predictable events kept taking place at the center and among the state govt. this is why elections are so complicated today.


Simultaneous elections also save the taxpayer’s money and these funds will be used for the public good.

Our government is always handicapped by the model code of conduct. Concerned, the government deploys huge manpower and machinery to conduct free and fair elections in the country and state.

”One Nation, One Election” will reduce the instances of deploying officials for election duties. it will help elected government and ruling parties focus on governance instead of preparing for elections.

”One Nation, One Election” affects more national parties as compared to regional parties. according to the law commission of India, the ”One Nation, One Election” system will boost voter turnout.

By the implementation of the ”One Nation, One Election”, some problems also have arisen such as article 172 and article 83 deal with the duration of the houses of parliament, and guarantee a five-year term to both elected Lok Sabha and state assemblies, unless they are dissolved sooner.

we can also see the problem of the difference in agenda between the regional and national parties during elections. regional parties will focus on local issues according to their political area while at the same time national parties target national issues.

”One Nation, One Election” can affect the judgment of voters. Regional Party voters may be affected due to the promotion of the National Party. And the regional party that supports the National Party can also win the election very easily.

Because the regional party cannot do competition with the national party in terms of campaigning and strategy of elections.

According to the law commission of India, if our country goes for ”One Nation, One Election” or simultaneous election then Rs. 45,00 Crore has required for elections and setup new EVMs.

Conclusion (Essay On One Nation One Election)

There are strong augments on both sides. If ”One Nation, One Election” happens there will be some problems for the nation but it is time to think beyond the limit and try to understand the insinuations of ”One Nation, One Election”.

All the political parties at least cooperate in debating this issue, the public opinion can be taken into consideration then follow the outcome of the debates.

If you have any questions related to ”Essay On One Nation One Election”. So, please comments.


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