Write a Letter to your Friend about Covid-19 Precautions
Hello Friend, In this post “Write a Letter to your Friend about Covid-19 Precautions“, We will read about the top 5+ Letters to your friend about covid-19 precautions in detail. So…
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Write a Letter to your Friend about Covid-19 Precautions
Ambedkar Nagar
Date: 04|08|21
Dear Ram,
I hope you are safe and healthy with your family. All of us are facing a really tough time and I can’t stop myself from worrying about you and our other friends. So I decided to write some of the words from my heart to you.
Luckily none from our friend circle has been infected with this covid-19 yet but still, I want to take care of your immune system.
I know your father goes out for important works but if you go out from home for any reason then don’t forget to wear a mask before and try to stay socially distant from others.
I suggest you keep a sanitizer with yourself and wash your hands with it right after you touch something or somewhere which you think might have been touched by someone else.
I just got vaccinated a few days ago and also suggest you get vaccinated as soon as possible if you haven’t done it yet.
I understand we are facing too many problems in these tough times but we should believe that one day our country and this world will beat the coronavirus.
And our lives will be normal just like before but until then we have to take care of ourselves and our families. no more today, write to me back soon.
Yours lovingly friend
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Write a Letter to your Friend about Covid-19 Precautions
Tilak Road
272124 Date: 04|August|21
Dear Friend,
Hope you are hale and hearty by the grace of God and your study is going well too.
I am writing this letter to warn & advise you about the covid-19 pandemic.
We are very anxious about you as covid-19 has rapidly outbroken in our country in an epidemic form.
The good news is that our country has invented two vaccines Covaxin and Covishield yet and our government also started the work of vaccination across the country.
Now we should follow the guidelines of WHO and our government. In such pandemic conditions, I advise you to follow some preventive measures:
- Avoid gathering
- Maintain social distancing
- Wash hands regularly with soap
- Use hands sanitizers
- Wear a mask while going outside
- I hope you will follow my advice. take care of yourself.
- No more now, more when we meet.
Love to you.
Yours lovingly
Write a Letter to your Friend about Covid-19 Precautions
Allahabad (U.P)
Date: 04|08|21
Dear Sikha,
I hope the letter will find you in the best of health. we are also fine and everything is well except for the problem of covid-19.
As you know the disease has again started spreading rapidly and pushed us again into our homes.
A few days ago the situation was getting better and everything was re-opening after a long time but things changed suddenly.
Now the only option that we have is that we stay at home and try to do our works as much as possible.
So, I advise you to stay home and stay safe. whenever you go out don’t forget to take safety precautions such as wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing, hands wash, etc.
Lots of love
Yours lovingly Friend
Write an informal letter to a friend about the precautionary measures to be followed after the school reopens from lockdown
Basti- 272124 (U.P)
Date: 04|August|21
My Dear Friend Anshu,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and happiness. I am writing this letter to share my excitement and precautionary plans, as schools are about to reopen after lockdown.
I suggest you come on your own transport instead of the school bus. bring sanitizers and wear masks while coming to school. let us maintain a 6 feet distance with our neighbors.
Bring healthy food, salads, and extra water bottles. I am very excited to meet you and our friends after a long time. Let us share our lockdown stories and have fun at school along with safety.
Yours Lovingly
Thanks For Reading “Write a Letter to your Friend about Covid-19 Precautions“.
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