Speech On World Environment Day In 200+ Words In 2021
Hello Friend, In this post “Top 3+ Speech On World Environment Day In 100|200+ Words In 2021“, We will read about the top 3+ Impressive Speech On World Environment Day 100|200|500+ words.
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Speech On World Environment Day In 500+ Words
The Honorable principal of our Institution, respected chief guest, teachers, ladies, and gentlemen. A very warm good morning to you all.
Today, all of us here realize that the danger faced by climate change is immediate, urgent, serious, and increasing overnight.
He says, and I quote, according to the former President of America, Mr. Obama,
“Climate change is no longer a problem that is far off.
Here, it is happening.
It is now happening.“
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s not just a dream, it’s true.
Are you ready to face an earthless life?
Have you thought about what’s going to happen if we disregard this reality? Such a nightmare?
This is the underlying explanation of why we are here. It’s time for action to be taken.
The question is Now, what to do? how to do? and Who to do it?
Well, it’s not about what, how, or who, my dear audience.
As a person, it’s about what you can do. What should you, as parents and teachers, do?
What would you, as students or leaders, do? It’s a devastating issue and it needs to be tackled.
This needs to be a great priority.
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sitting at home watching and hearing the television, where the sea was swallowing villages, chewing up shorelines, wilting fields, moving people, shouting for lost loved ones, dead, hunger, and thirst.
That’s devastating. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true.
If we search on Google today, the result will be nearly 70 million+ pages.
Are we doing enough, though? Is there a way to reverse it? or are we contribute to it?
My dear audience, this is all going on elsewhere.
As people, families, nations, and also as a global village, that’s an eye-opener for us.
We have no excuses today.
The days of blame and waiting are over. We need to take action now.
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Therefore, Let’s start by placing garbage in the bin.
Implementing the three R’s: Reduce Reuse and Recycle.
Let’s not be more financially focused. Let’s be more focused on the environment.
Ladies and gentlemen, the issue will not be solved by speeches and discussions, but it is more effective to walk the talk.
Let’s change our attitude and set up a forum for the next generation to tackle this environmental crisis.
We need to be prepared. In order to keep us safe, safety precautions have to be embraced and practiced.
Ladies and Gentlemen instruct the student in school by the teachers about what to do before, during, and after a disaster.
But you, as parents and guardians, often have to be cautious and alert. If you pretend and wait for others, this is definitely not going to happen.
It is time for us to come together, to move forward, to grow together. We heard we saw, we witnessed, we were victims. It’s time to conquer now.
Ladies and gentlemen, systems can change, human beings can change, but unless you do something about it, climate change is here to stay.
Let us be more environmentally conscious and enable our spectacular mother earth to be restored.
Thank you…
Speech On World Environment Day In 200+ Words In 2021

Today is World Environment Day, the biggest global event. How can we create a world where the environment doesn’t need protection?
It is possible, only when each and every one of us will make changes in the way we live our lives.
People all around the world celebrate this day and take necessary actions to protect the mother planet. People organize events, debates, dramas, discussions at schools, colleges, theatres. Rallies organized on roads and streets.
Amazing, Is it really such a serious issue that there is a need to organize a lot of events to save the environment. 5th June is to promote environmentalism and to steps taken to prevent pollution. Why this day is important for us?
Because, we humans, the Creation of Almighty God continuously destroying our own surroundings. We are educated, intelligent, and aware of how to protect the environment but this knowledge, education is useless for us, for our society because after knowing this, we” are polluting it and inactively looking at our nature destroying.
My dear friends, if we together come forward we can make a great difference around the globe. United Nations established the World environment in 1972 in Stockholm to encourage awareness of preserving nature and the environment.
Everybody wants to live in the cleanest and safest place. to strengthen our world, it is necessary to preserve nature. Let’s work together to take care of the planet.
Let’s join our hands to make our motherland beautiful again. Through simple and small steps we together can make a big difference.
It is important to create awareness amongst our friends, family members, and our society.
We must request people to save water and energy. We must appeal to the people to plant trees, to clean up the surroundings, to not to throw litter/garbage in the open area.
People should use the “Green Coloured and ‘Blue Coloured‘ dustbins We should convince the people to take action against those that harm animals. Let’s together raise awareness about nature to make our future health.
Remember it is up to us either to make our life simple or difficult.
These small steps are very effective and priceless. Nature is a rare gift that we have today, it cannot be purchased with money. So, it’s time, wake up. Play your role actively to save the environment and let’s start with small beginnings.
Speech On World Environment Day In 100+ Words In 2021
World Environment Day is a campaign celebrated every year by people worldwide on the 5th of June.
This campaign was established to raise Global awareness among people about environmental issues as well as take positive environmental actions.
It is handled by the united notion environment program and was established by the united nation general Assembly in 1972. it is a day to especially focus on the current environmental conditions to make the environment better.
It is celebrated by people in more than 100 countries. It is the day when the public and politicians get stimulated through awareness programs regarding the environment to enhance political attention as well as o public actions.
This day was created to promote people to work for environmental issues and become active agents of sustainable and eco-friendly development worldwide.
Thank you.
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