Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 3 Full Summary {Step by Step Guide}


Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 3 Full Summary {Step by Step Guide}

Hello Friend, In this post “Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 3 Full Summary“, we will read about the Summary Of Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 3 in detail. So…

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Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 3 Full Summary| Romeo and Juliet Act 3, Scene 3 Summary

Friar Laurence walks into his cell (small room). He is looking for Romeo. Friar Laurence calls out and tells Romeo to come out from where he is hiding.

The Friar says that trouble loves Romeo’s “parts” (his thoughts and actions). He says that Romeo is married to trouble – to “calamity.”

Romeo comes out and asks what the Prince has decided to do to him because he killed Tybalt. Romeo asks what new sadness, that he does not yet know about, wants to shake hands with him.

Friar Laurence says that Romeo knows too much about “sour company” – bad news. The Friar says that he has come to tell Romeo the Prince’s decision.

Romeo asks if the Prince’s “doom” (decision) is less than doomsday (a judgment of death).

Friar Laurence says that the Prince has been gentle: Romeo will not be killed, but he will be banished (sent away) from Verona. Romeo says, “Ha!” He says banishment is worse than death. He tells the Friar not to say “banishment.”

Friar Laurence says that Romeo just needs to be patient. The world is big. (Things can still work out.) Romeo says that there is no world for him except Verona, so his banishment is the same as death.

Romeo says that “banishment” is just a nice way of saying “death.” When the Friar says “banishment,” he is smiling and cutting off Romeo’s head with a golden ax.

Friar Laurence is angry. He says that Romeo is rude and does not understand that the Prince is being merciful and kind by changing
Romeo’s punishment from death to banishment.

Romeo says it is Friar Laurence who does not understand. Romeo says that heaven is in Verona where Juliet lives. Banishment is torture (pain and sorrow) because every cat, dog, and mouse in Verona can look at Juliet, but Romeo cannot.

Even flies that live on old meat can romance Juliet by touching her hand or lips. Juliet is so pure in her virginity that she blushes if her lips touch each other. The flies can touch her lips, but Romeo cannot. Instead, Romeo must “fly” (leave Verona).

Romeo continues to tell the Friar how much he hates the word “banishment.” Romeo says the flies are free, but he is not. He asks Friar Laurence if he understands now.

Does the Friar see that banishment (exile) is death? Does the Friar have some poison, a knife, or some other way that Romeo can quickly kill himself?

“Banished” is not a word that means a quick death. The people in hell use the word “banishment” and they cry and scream over it. (They are banished from life and heaven.)

Romeo asks Friar Laurence how he, a religious man who can forgive the sins of others and a man who says he is Romeo’s friend, can hurt
Romeo by using the word “banished.”

The Friar tells Romeo that he is a foolish madman who needs to listen. Romeo says Friar Laurence is just going to talk about banishment.

The Friar says he will protect Romeo from the word “banishment” by giving him another word “philosophy.” Romeo says that the Friar is still talking about “banishment.”

If “philosophy” cannot make a Juliet, move a town, or make the Prince change his decision, then it is useless. The Friar should stop talking.

The Friar says that he sees that madmen like Romeo have no ears. (They won’t listen.) Romeo says that wise men (like Friar Laurence) have no eyes. (Romeo thinks the Friar should see that talking is useless.)

Friar Laurence says that he wants to talk about Romeo’s trouble. Romeo says that the Friar cannot talk about things that he does not feel.

Romeo says that Friar Laurence could speak about Romeo’s problems only if the Friar were as young as Romeo, had killed his wife’s cousin an hour after his wedding, was as much in love as Romeo is with Juliet, and had been banished.

If the Friar experienced all of those things, then he could speak, pull out his hair, and fall on the ground just like Romeo is doing now. If the Friar had experienced what Romeo had, he could lie on the ground and measure the size of his future grave.

The Friar hears someone knocking on his door. He tells Romeo to get up quickly and hide. Romeo says he will not hide unless the water in the breath of his groans makes a cloud to hide him.

There is more knocking. Romeo still will not hide. The Friar says Romeo will be arrested! More knocking… Romeo still will not hide. The Friar speaks loudly at the closed door, asking what the visitor wants.

The Nurse says that she has come from Lady Juliet. The Friar lets her in. The Nurse comes in, in a hurry. Seeing only the Friar, she asks where Romeo is. The Friar points to the ground and says that Romeo is “drunk” on his “own tears.”

The Nurse says Romeo looks like Juliet, “Blubbering and weeping, weeping and blubbering” (crying and crying), just like Juliet was doing when the Nurse last saw her.

The Nurse tells Romeo to stand up and be a man for Juliet. She tells him not to fall and makes sounds of sadness. It is no time to think of death. Romeo should think of Juliet.

Romeo asks if he truly heard the Nurse say Juliet’s name. he asks if Juliet thinks Romeo is a murderer. He wants to know if he has “stained the childhood of [their] joy.” (Has he stopped the happiness of his and Julieť’s marriage right at the beginning?)

Romeo asks if he has made happiness in his marriage impossible by taking “blood but little from her own?” (Since Romeo killed Juliet’s cousin Tybalt, can Juliet still love Romeo?) Romeo asks the Nurse where Juliet is, how she is, and what Juliet, his “conceal’d lady [says about their] cancell’d love?”

(Juliet is Romeo’s hidden wife because only he, Juliet, the Friar, and the Nurse know about the wedding. Romeo wants to know if Juliet has canceled, stopped, loving him.)

The Nurse says that Juliet does not say anything. She lies on her bed and cries and cries. She starts to get up and says, “Tybalt!” Then she also says Romeo’s name and falls back on the bed.

Romeo believes Juliet thinks his name is a bullet shot from a gun that has murdered her as well as her cousin. Romeo pulls out his dagger (knife) to kill himself and asks the Friar what part of his body holds his name so he can cut it out.

Friar Laurence tells Romeo to hold his hand (to not stab himself with the dagger). The Friar asks Romeo if he is a man. The Friar says that Romeo has the form of a man, but Romeo’s tears are womanish. Romeo’s wild actions show the unreasonableness of a beast (a bad animal).


The Friar says that Romeo is an improper woman in a proper man’s body or a combination of beast and man. The Friar says that Romeo has completely surprised him. The Friar had thought Romeo was more intelligent and more in control of his emotions.

Friar Laurence asks Romeo if he killed Tybalt and now plans to kill himself and, by killing himself, plans also to kill (or destroy) Juliet. The Friar asks why Romeo hates his birth, heaven, and earth.

Friar Laurence says that Romeo’s birth (existence as a Montague), his body (earth), and his soul (heaven) all meet in Romeo, and Romeo is trying to throw it all away.

Friar Laurence says that Romeo “shamest [his] shape, [his] love, [his] wit..” (He means that Romeo has brought dishonor to his body, his love for Juliet, and his mind.)

The Friar says that Romeo is like someone who has a lot of money but does nothing good with it. Romeo is not making his body, love, or mind better.

Friar Laurence says that Romeo’s body is a body of wax without the valor (bravery) of a man, Romeo’s promise of love is an empty lie and he is killing it, and his mind (which should control his body and his love) is the gunpowder of a soldier who lights it with his stupidity.

Romeo is using his good qualities not to defend himself but to kill himself. Friar Laurence begins the end of his long speech to Romeo by telling him to get up. The Friar says Juliet is alive and so is Romeo even though he had just planned to kill himself.

The Friar tells Romeo, “There art thou happy.” (“Happy” means “lucky.”) The Friar says that Tybalt had tried to kill Romeo, but Romeo killed Tybalt. Again, the Friar says, “There art thou happy.”

The Friar says that the Prince’s law that said Romeo should be killed for fighting in Verona has become Romeo’s friend and has turned death into exile. Again the Friar says, “There art thou happy.”

Friar Laurence says that Romeo is carrying God’s gifts (“blessings”) on his back and happiness is like a woman trying to make him happy, but, like an unhappy girl, Romeo is pouting about his luck.

Friar Laurence tells Romeo to listen. People who pout about luck and love die in sadness. It is time for Romeo to get up and go to Juliet as he had planned.

Romeo should go to Juliet’s room to give her comfort, but Romeo should leave before the night watchmen go on duty. Romeo must go to Mantua and wait until he and the Friar can tell everyone about his marriage and get permission from the Prince to return to Verona.

Then the Friar, the Nurse, and Juliet will welcome Romeo back with 20,000 times more happiness than Romeo will have when he leaves Verona.

The Friar tells the Nurse to go to Juliet to tell her to get everyone in the house to go to bed early. Because they are so sad about Tybalt’s death, the Friar thinks the Capulets will want to go to bed early. The Friar says, “Romeo is coming.”

The Nurse says that she thinks the Friar is very smart and a very good speaker. She says she could have stayed all night to listen to the Friar’s words.

She says learning is great. Then she tells Romeo that she will go to Juliet to tell her that Romeo is coming. Romeo tells the Nurse she can go to Juliet and tell her that Romeo expects her to be angry with him about his killing Tybalt.

He expects Juliet will have angry words for him. The Nurse remembers that Juliet had given her a ring to give to Romeo. She gives it to Romeo, saying that Juliet wanted him to have it. She tells Romeo to hurry because it is getting late. She leaves.

Romeo says that the ring makes him feel better. The Friar says that it is time for Romeo to go. He says good night, but adds that Romeo’s future depends on this:

Romeo must leave before the night watchmen take their places or he can leave in the morning in disguise. The Friar tells Romeo to go to the town of Mantua after he leaves Juliet.

The Friar will find Romeo’s servant and send messages to Romeo about events in Verona. The Friar says “Farewell, good night.”

Romeo says that if he were not going to the great joy (happiness) that is waiting for him, he would be sad to leave Friar Laurence so
quickly. Romeo says “Farewell” and leaves.

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