Postcard On My Vision For India In 2047 In English {Step by Step Guide}
Hello Friend, In this post “Postcard On My Vision For India In 2047 In English“, We will read about My Vision For India In 2047 as a Postcard in detail as well as an attractive way which helps you to win this competition.
Postcard On My Vision For India In 2047 In English
New Delhi,
Hon’ble Prime Minister Of India Shri Narendra Modi Ji,
In 2022 we are going to complete 75 years of our freedom through the joyful celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. These 75 years of freedom changed India into a developing country from a poor struggling country.
India is a country with a rich heritage and unique culture “Unity in Diversity“. In 2047, India will celebrate its 100 years of independence. Here I would like to share “My Vision For India In 2047.”
In 2047, I envision celebrating 100 years of independence in corruption & pollution-free India. In 2047, the economy will be so strong that no pandemic will take away the employment of the youth. Everyone will have the right to education.
For these next 25 years, I envision the problems like corruption, unemployment, illiteracy, and hunger spreading in the country coming to an end and the country touching the heights in every field.
It will be a place where there is no discrimination of caste, gender, color, and social-economic status. India should become the most advanced country by 2047.
India of my vision where women are safe and walk freely on road. Everywhere is peace and harmony. My vision for India in 2047 is everyone gets opportunities for work and good jobs.
It is my vision that every people of India will be educated in 2047. For this, we all should start making efforts from right now. If we make efforts with unity, then India will definitely become self-reliant by 2047, and the title of “Vishwa Guru” will definitely be in its name.
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My Vision For India In 2047 Postcard Writing In English
Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In English
I envision India of 2047 as the educated, self-reliant India, clean and green India, safe and developed India. One day comes when we will make India the crown of the world.
Environment-Friendly India: A good way to start with Driving Less, using environment-friendly vehicles, conserving water, walking more, planting more trees, and using-E-Vehicles.
Educated India: I want to see India as the most literate country. And the easiest way to achieve this goal is “Each one, Teach one.”
Clean India: “Healthy people and Clean People can make a wealthy country”. I dream of India as the cleanest country in the world till 2047. By simply Throwing garbage in the dustbin, not spitting it on the streets we can make our country clean.
Healthy India: I pledge to donate my organs and will also encourage others for this noble work to make India healthy. I want to contribute these little things to make India, the happiest country in the world.
My vision is to see India as an ideal nation for all other countries. For all these things, your efforts & our support will be required.
Hope you will consider all the above issues.
Thanks & Regards
Class _____________.
Roll. No___________.
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My Vision For India In 2047 Postcard Writing In English
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