Poem On Salute to Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji In English


Poem On Salute to Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji In English

Hello Friend, In this post “Poem On Salute to Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji In English“, We will read about Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji as a Poem in detail. So…

Let’s Start…

Poem On Salute to Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji In English

True realization of the actual nature of this material world, its perishable, transitory and illusory aspects best dawns on a person in suffering“.

“Salute to our Guru Teg Bahadur,
We can not forget their sacrifice
Because he was the great warrior”.

“India had become an evil place,
Invaded by the Mughal race,
Aurangzeb was the mughal king,
And he only wanted one thing,
To make all people beg from him
To turn a Hindu into Muslim”.

“One-day Hindu saints from Kashmir,
Came desperately to his door…
O… Helper of the weak
We beg you to protect us
From the merciless Mughals”.

“Guru tegh Bahadur jee,
Wore his turban beautifully
And said…O Emperor of Delhi
You may try to convert me…
But if you do not succeed…
Then you do Hindu free”.

“When Aurangzeb came near
But guru had no fear
Then the executioner,
Chopped off the Guru’s head”.

“We always remember the devotion
Of guru teg Bahadur
We salute him by heart
Because he is the real idol our”.

“Shree Guru Tegh Bahadur Jee,
Protected the forehead mark and…,
The sacred thread,
which marked a great event in the iron age…”.

“He suffered for the sake of his faith,
He lost his head but revealed not his secret”.

“A beacon of light
Sikh guru Tegh bahadur
Heard of Hindu’s plight…
The answer he was quite sure
“Tolerance”, Simple and pure…”.

“For the sake of saints, he laid down his
Head without even a sign,
For the sake of dharma, he sacrificed
Himself. He laid down his head but
Not his creed…”.

“Guru Tegh Bahadur stood up for Hindus,
Rock-like none else before…
As Tegh bahadur passed, the world was
with sorrow-stricken…
He was given a victor’s welcome by the hosts of heaven…”.

“Protector of humanity
Guru tegh bahadur jee
Wears his turban beautifully
Standing majestically
Smiling lovingly
Guru Tegh Bahadur Jee”.

“Master of spirituality
Distributor of charity
Protector of humanity
Guru Tegh Bahadur Jee”.

“Unbraiding the flag of religion
Teaching the world the lesson
Of humanity, loving all as family
Teaching all the Gurbani
Inspiring to live fearlessly”.

Thanks For Reading “Poem On Salute to Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji In English“.

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