Life Of Pi Chapter 95-100 Summary | Life Of Pie Summary {Step by Step Guide}
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Life Of Pi Chapter 95-100 Summary
Life Of Pi Chapter 95 Summary
Pi is at the Benito Juarez Infirmary (a place to treat sick people) in Tomatlán, Mexico. Two officials from the Japanese Maritime Department were in Long Beach, California, and they drive to visit Pi to learn what caused the Tsimtsum to sink.
The officials record their interview with Pi, and they provide a transcript to the author of Life of Pi.
Mr. Tomohiro Okamoto and Mr. Atsuro Chiba are the two Japanese officials. Their trip to visit Pi takes them forty-one hours, and one mechanic cannibalized their car, taking good parts and replacing them with used ones.
Mr. Tomohiro Okamoto and Mr. Atsuro Chiba are the two Japanese officials. Their trip to visit Pi takes them forty-one hours, and one mechanic cannibalized their car, taking good parts and replacing them with used ones.
Note: Their journey was difficult, involved more than one mode of transportation, and involved a type of cannibalism, so their journey has similarities to Pi’s.
Life Of Pi Chapter 96 Summary
Mr. Okamoto introduces himself and his assistant to Pi and asks Pi if they can interview him about the sinking of the Tsimtsum. When Pi agrees, Mr. Chiba turns on a tape recorder. Mr. Okamoto states the date: February 19, 1978.
Pi and Mr. Okamoto discuss their trips. Mr. Okamoto says his drive to the infirmary was beautiful. Pi says his journey after the ship sank was horrible. Mr. Okamoto reveals that he had spoken to the police and had seen the lifeboat.
Life Of Pi Chapter 97 Summary
This chapter has two words: “The story.”
Life Of Pi Chapter 98 Summary
Both officials react politely to Pi’s story and say it was interesting. In Japanese, to each other, they reveal their disbelief in the story and their belief that Pi is treating them like fools. Pi seems only interested in getting cookies from them, even though he has many cookies in his bed.
Life Of Pi Chapter 99 Summary
Mr. Okamoto tells Pi that they do not believe his story. Mr. Okamoto gives one reason why: bananas don’t float, so the orangutan could not have reached the lifeboat in the way Pi had described.
Pi produces two bananas and has Mr. Okamoto put them in a sink of water to prove they do float.
Next, Pi and Okamoto argue about the possibility of a floating algae island and Pi brings up the names of scientists whose ideas had at first been dismissed but had later been accepted.
Since they are talking about plant organisms, Mr. Chiba talks about his uncle’s bonsai trees and Pi points out that people could disbelieve in hundred-year-old trees, two feet tall, that can be carried around.
Impatiently, Okamoto ends the discussion when Pi begins again to talk about the full-grown trees of the algae island. Okamoto says to “put them aside.” Pi jokes, saying it would be hard to pull trees out and carry them. Okamoto laughs and, in Japanese tells Chiba to laugh, too.
Okamoto tells Pi they also have trouble believing that Pi could have survived for months with a “dangerous” tiger in a lifeboat. The police have been unable to find Richard Parker.
Pi says he could tell them about a panther that could not be found after escaping the Zurich Zo0 and he explains that wild animals are afraid of people.
Note: By now, you may be angry about Okamoto’s disbelief and want him to believe Pi, or you may be remembering Chapter 11 where Pi first talked about the Zurich panther and, at the end of the chapter, said, “And they expected to find – ha! In the middle of a tropical Mexican jungle, imagine.. What were they thinking?”
Okamoto insists Pi’s story is “hard to believe.” Pi gives examples of other amazing animal stories, but Okamoto still does not believe in Pi’s story. Angrily, Pi responds. “Life is hard to believe, ask any scientist. God is hard to believe, ask any believer.”
Note: Remember Mr. Kumar the atheist scientist and Mr. Kumar the Muslim from Chapter 20. One was a scientist and one was a believer.
Okamoto says he is just trying to be “reasonable.” Pi says that he “applied reason at every moment.” Pi adds, though, that if you are “excessively reasonable…, “You risk throwing out the universe with the bathwater,”.
Note: In chapter 1, Pi said he could admire atheists and religio people. Atheists study science to understand the universe. Believers study religion. Both make leaps of faith.
Pi does not admire agnostics who are full of questions and facts. Also, Consider if Pi used reason to survive or to create a believable story about how he survived in the lifeboat or both.
Chiba calms Pi down by giving him a chocolate bar. Then Okamoto assures Pi that they only want to know what caused the Tsimtsum to sink; they know that Pi has no responsibility for the tragedy.
Pi sticks to his story, and Okamoto says it is “unlikely” that Pi could have encountered another blind man at sea. Okamoto points out that Pi had said he talked about food with the Frenchman and that the cook on the Tsimtsum was a Frenchman. Blind man? Or Tsimtsum cook?
Okamoto says maybe the Frenchman Pi met “was the cook.” Pi says he doesn’t know because the tiger ate the Frenchman’s face. Pi says the small bones left in the lifeboat should prove the island story about the meerkats, but Okamoto says the bones could have come from the ship.
Pi insists that the bones can prove his story, but Okamoto disagrees. They argue some more, and Okamoto says again that he just wants to know what caused the Tsimtsum to sink.
Pi says he understands and reminds Okamoto that Pi lost his whole family because the ship sank. They pause, eat cookies, discuss the weather and Mexico, and then Pi asks, “So you didn’t like my story?” The men assure him that they had liked the story.
Okamoto says he wants no “invention,” just “what really happened.” Pi says that life is a story, an invention that each person experiences differently.
Pi says that what Okamoto wants is a story that will “confirm” what he already knows – “dry, yeastless, factuality.”
Note: “Dry, yeastless, factuality” was discussed previously in chapter 22.
The author writes that a dying atheist might see a white light and make “the deathbed leap of faith.” The agnostic would see the light, accept the “dry, yeastless factuality ” of not enough oxygen in the brain, and miss “the better story.”
Okamoto says, “We want a story without animals that will explain the sinking of the Tsimtsum.” Pi says, “Here’s another story.” Pi says that when the ship sank, he swam for the lifeboat.
The cook, who was in the lifeboat with others, threw him a lifebuoy. Four had survived: the cook, Pi, Pis mother, and a Chinese sailor.
Pi’s mother had a few bananas. The lifeboat had emergency rations and solar stills, but the cook panicked before a whole day ended and started eating flies.
Pi described the cook as a “brute.” The cook also killed a rat, dried pieces in the sun, and ate them. Pi tried a piece without letting his mother know.
The Chinese sailor had broken his leg when he had jumped off the Tsimtsum. Pi said the sailor was “beautiful… Like a Chinese emperor.”
The young sailor was in terrible pain because his bone was sticking out of his thigh. He spoke not a word of English, but Pi and his mother tried to comfort him. After some days, the sailor’s foot turned black and the cook said that the only way to save him was to cut off his leg.
Pi and his mother surprised the sailor, grabbing him and holding him down. The cook cut off the leg. There was no anesthesia. There was screaming and blood.
Pi and his mom wrapped the stump and tied a rope above it to stop the bleeding, but Pi expected the sailor to die that night. In the morning, the sailor was still alive.
Pi sees the amputated leg. He grabs a life jacket to use to pick it up and throw it overboard, but the cook stops him. The cook says “the whole point” of cutting off the leg was to get bait for fishing!
Pi’s mother overhears the cook’s words and becomes very angry. She says they have plenty of food for now and holds up the container of biscuits.
She is surprised by the lightness of the container and sees that only crumbs are left! Pi’s mother yells at the cook for being selfish and the cook tells her that Pi ate many of them, too. Pi confesses, and his mother silently goes back to nursing the sailor.
Pi goes to his mother and tells her he is sorry. She has tears in her eyes and says, “We’re all alone.” Pi reveals that it has now been two weeks since the ship sank; there is little hope that his father and Ravi have survived.
The sailor dies, and the cook butchers him. Pi’s mother wants the victim’s face covered, but the cook goes over, scalps him, and pulls off his face! Pi and his mother vomit.
The cook hangs up pieces of flesh everywhere, so they can dry. Pi’s mother is outraged and slaps the cook hard. Pi thinks her action is very heroic, but he is afraid.
The cook looks away. As time passes, the cook fishes, catch nothing and eats strips of the sailor’s flesh. Pi and his mother eat none. Pi says the cook was smart. He made a raft to help with fishing, and it was due to the cook that they survived.
The cook catches dorados and sea turtles. Pi and his mother learn how to eat them raw, but Pi’s mother always felt revulsion. There were happy times when there was enough to eat.
There were horrible, starving times, too. One day, Pi is weak and cannot hold onto a turtle. The cook hits him. Pi’s mother hits the cook. She tells Pi to go to the raft, and Pi thinks she is following.
Pi reaches the raft. He sees his mother fighting the cook. Pi says, “I did nothing but watch.” Pi sees the cook lift his knife and bring it down again and again. Then the cook throws something to Pi who catches it. It is his mother’s head!
Pi drops his mother’s head into the sea. He sees the cook throw his mother’s body overboard. Pi stays on the raft that day and night. In the morning, Pi boards the lifeboat, and the cook gives him the best parts of a turtle and its blood.
Pi and the cook know the knife is on the middle seat. Pi grabs it and stabs the cook in the stomach. Pi says the cook “let himself be killed.”
He never said he was sorry. He just lifted his head so Pi could stab him in the neck. The cook died without speaking and Pi continued to stab him.
Pi “soothed” his chapped hands with the cook’s blood. He ate the man’s heart and liver. He cut off great pieces of flesh.” Pi says, “He was such an evil man.
Worse still, he met evil in me– selfishness, anger, ruthlessness. I must live with that.” Pi says, “Solitude began. I turned to God. I survived.”
There is silence. Pi asks if the officials want him to change any parts of his story to make it more believable.
Mr. Okamoto realizes that Pi’s stories match. The zebra and the Chinese sailor each had a broken leg. The hyena tore off the zebra’s leg and the cook cut off the sailor’s.
The blind Frenchman admitted to killing a man and a woman, and the cook had killed the sailor and Pi’s mother.
Mr. Chiba sees then that the orangutan is Pi’s mother and the tiger is Pi because Pi killed the cook and, in his original story, the tiger had killed the hyena and the blind Frenchman. Mr. Okamoto agrees.
The officials cannot figure out the purpose of the island section of Pi’s first story. Mr. Okamoto decides to ask Pi if the cook had had any information about why the Tsimtsum sank or why there had been no distress call.
Pi says the cook had no information and Pi doesn’t know why no distress call had been sent. Pi says he does not believe that anyone cared about the Tsimtsum sinking. Okamoto says Pi was too far out for air rescue, but ships had been told to look for the Tsimtsum or survivors.
Note: Yann Martel said he put in the sections about the floating island and the blind Frenchman to push readers into making “a leap of faith.”
Readers would either be like Mr. Kumar, the scientist, and reject Pi’s story or be like Mr. Kumar, the believer, and continue believing-no matter what.
Mr. Okamoto asks about the officers. Pi says they made Pi and his family feel unwelcome. They spoke Japanese and did not include the Indian family. Pi says he and his family began to eat on their own in his mother and father’s cabin. Pi says he does not know if the officers were competent.
Pi says the back of the ship – the stern – sank first. Pi says the ship did not hit another ship, an object, or the ground. He was unaware of any mechanical problems after leaving Manila.
Pi does not know if the ship was properly loaded. He cannot explain why the ship sank, just that he heard an explosion before it did sink.
The ship sank in about twenty minutes, and the waves were moderate about twenty-five feet high.
Mr. Okamoto ends his questioning of Pi, accepting that no one will ever know what caused the Tsimtsum to sink. He thanks Pi for answering his questions.
Pi has a question for Okamoto. Pi wants to know that since both stories account for his 227 days at sea, and it makes no difference as to which is true, which story do the officials think is “the better story?”
Mr. Chiba answers at once: “The story with the animals.” Mr. Okamoto finds the question interesting, and says in Japanese – “Yes.” Then he tells Pi, “The story with animals is the better story.” Pi replies, “Thank you. And so it goes with God.”
Note: Yann Martel, the author of Life of Pi, says that his book can be summarized in three lines:
“1. Life is a story.
2. You can choose your story.
3. A story with God is the better story.”
The officials don’t understand. There is silence, and then Pi begins to cry. Okamoto tells Pi that when they drive away, they will be careful to not run into Richard Parker. Pi replies, “Don’t worry. You won’t. He’s hiding somewhere you will never find him.”
Mr. Okamoto thanks Pi and calls Pi Mr. Patel. Okamoto says he is very sorry about what happened to Pi.
Okamoto asks Pi about his future plans. Pi says there are only sad memories left for him in India. He will go to Canada. Okamoto says Pi will receive insurance money. They all say their goodbyes, and Pi gives them some cookies for their trip.
Life Of Pi Chapter 100 Summary
The author says that Mr. Okamoto’s letter to him described the “interrogation” of Pi as being “difficult and memorable” and Pi as being “very thin, very tough, very bright.” Mr. Okamoto’s official report claimed no known cause for the tragedy.
The explosion suggested a major engine or boiler problem, but nothing could be confirmed. Okamoto recommended closing the case.
Life of Pi ends with the end of Mr. Okamoto’s report “As an aside, story of sole survivor, Mr. Piscine Molitor Patel, Indian citizen, is an astounding story of courage and endurance in the face of extraordinarily difficult and tragic circumstances.
In the experience of this investigator, his story is unparalleled in the history of shipwrecks. Very few castaways can claim to have survived so long at sea as Mr. Patel, and none in the company of an adult Bengal tiger.”
Note: The report compliments Pi, does not accuse him of cannibalism, and the words “none in the company of [a] … tiger” can suggest Pi was with a tiger or was not.
As in both of Pi’s stories, there is truth in Mr. Okamoto’s report. Also, note that Richard Parker was at Pi’s zoo in India and on his journey. In Canada, an orange cat is part of the family.
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Life Of Pi Chapter 95-100 Summary