Life Of Pi Chapter 2-4 Summary | Life Of Pi Summary {Step by Step Guide}
Hello Friend, In this post “Life Of Pi Chapter 2-4 Summary “, we will read about the Summary Of Life Of Pi Chapter 2-4 in detail. So…
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Life Of Pi Chapter 2-4 Summary
Pi is in Toronto, Canada. His hair is turning gray, and he is about forty years old. He tells the author about his youth, including the fact that Pi was named after a swimming pool.
Pi was named after a swimming pool because his father had a good friend – Francis Adirubasamy- who loved to swim.
Pi called Adirubasamy “Mamaji” which means “Respected Uncle.” Mamaji’s favorite pool in Paris was the Piscine Molitor. The French word “Piscine” means “pool.” When Pi was born, his father named him Piscine Molitor to honor Adirubasamy.
Pi had a problem. Some people thought it was funny to mispronounce his name and call him “Pissing.” Other children, including his brother Ravi, who was three years older, teased him.
Note: Think about Pi’s name. It suggests that water will be important in the story. Pi cleverly solves the problem of being teased about his name in Chapter 5.
Life Of Pi Chapter 4 Summary
Santosh Patel is Pi’s father. He was a hotel manager before he became the owner/operator of the Pondicherry Zoo. Pi thought the zoo was paradise.
Pi lived like a prince. The roar of the lions was his alarm clock. Each animal was different and interesting, especially at sunrise and sunset when they were most natural and active.
Pi lived like a prince. The roar of the lions was his alarm clock. Each animal was different and interesting, especially at sunrise and sunset when they were most natural and active.
Pi thinks running a zoo is “a hotel keeper’s worst nightmare.” The guests don’t leave their rooms. They demand meals. They have noisy, rude visitors. They do not clean up after themselves.
Pi has enjoyed being “a silent witness to the highly mannered… expressions of life that grace our planet.”
Pi’s Observations
Life in the Wild | Life in Zoos |
Animals Constantly look for shelter and safety from predators. Animals are always in search of food. Animals are not really free. | Animals are sheltered and safe. Animals have plenty of food. Zoo animals are freer than animals in the wild. |
Pi’s Observations: Zoos For People
Zoos are so good that we build them for ourselves. Our cages are houses. Our zoos are cities. Everything we need is close by. We have created a compressed territory so we can be “free.”
Pi says that there are many examples of animals choosing to stay in an open cage and of animals escaping and then returning to a cage.
Animals agree with humans that “there is no place like home.”
Pi says that he has heard a lot of “nonsense about zoos… God and religion.”
Zoos and religion “are no longer in people’s good graces… Certain illusions about freedom plague them both.”
Chapter 4 ends with Pi stating that the Pondicherry Zoo exists now only in his memory.
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