Life Of Pi Chapter 17 Summary | Life Of Pie Summary {Step by Step Guide}


Life Of Pi Chapter 17 Summary | Life Of Pie Summary {Step by Step Guide}

Hello Friend, In this post “Life Of Pi Chapter 17 Summary “, we will read about the Summary Of Life Of Pi Chapter 17 in detail. So…

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Life Of Pi Chapter 17 Summary

Pi’s first religion was Hinduism where he met loving-kindness in Lord Krishna. Pi says Lord Krishna led him to Jesus Christ. Pi was fourteen when he met Jesus.

Pi’s dad took the family to the hills of Munnar, in Kerala, India to escape the heat at home.

There were three hills in Munnar, each had a holy building. One hill had a Hindu temple, one had a mosque, and one had a Christian church. Pi had gone to a Christian school, but he thought Christianity had “few gods and great violence.”

Pi did not want to go inside the Christian church, but one day he saw an open door to the rectory – the building where the priest and his assistant lived and worked.

The priest was reading a Bible, and Pi felt the priest was a loving man. The priest walked out of the room, and Pi walked over to the church and entered. Inside, Pi saw paintings of human sacrifice, “fat babies with tiny wings,” and a bird. He wondered which image was the god.

Pi went back the next day and ate biscuits and drank tea with Father Martin, who was not judgmental, as Pi had heard Catholics were. Father Martin told Pi about Jesus dying so humans could be freed from their sins and go to heaven.

Pi wondered why God’s son should pay the price for the sins of humanity. Pi thought that would be like lions escaping and killing other Zoo animals, but instead of punishing the lions, Pi’s father would feed Pi to the lions!

Pi thought it was wrong for a part of God, for Jesus, to experience death. The Ramayana told of a bad day for Rama, but Jesus had more than a bad day. He would “have the taste of death forever in his mouth.”

Pi remembered a Hindu story. Yashoda, baby Lord Krishna’s mother, thought that Krishna had eaten dirt, an act not appropriate for a god.

When she looked into his mouth, she saw the universe! Pi thought the Hindu gods had power. Why would the Christian God’s story be of
weakness, suffering, and death?

Pi found other faults in the Christian God. Every time Pi questioned Father Martin, he said Christianity had one story God was love and his
Son died for humanity’s sins.

Pi could not stop thinking about Christianity. He went to Father Martin to ask to become a Christian. Father Martin said he already was
one because Pi had accepted Jesus.

Pi says Hinduism is a long, slow story about the gods, but Christianity is a fast one. Pi thanked Lord Krishna for introducing him to Jesus.

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