Letter To Younger Brother Advising Him To Take Care Of His Health


Hello My Dear Lovely Friend, In this post “Letter To Younger Brother Advising Him To Take Care Of His Health“, We will read about A Letter to a Younger Brother Advising Him to take care of his health in detail with Top 5+ Formats and you can read & choose any as per your situation. So…

Let’s Start…

Letter To Younger Brother Advising Him To Take Care Of His Health

Sender’s Address: Allahabad
Date: 22|02|22

My Dear Brother (Your Brother’s Name)

I have come to know that you are paying undue attention to your studies and your health has fallen due to overwork. I appreciate your love for knowledge but it must not be allowed to damage your health. First take care of your health, then of your studies. Try to sleep early and develop a habit of taking a morning walk.

You should know that all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. I, therefore, advise you to go for a morning walk regularly, jogging, participate in games, try to spend some time with family members, and don’t forget to eat healthy food with a proper daily routine.

Take better care of your health because health is wealth. I do hope that you will pay heed to my advice. Wishing for your brilliant health and success.

Yours Affectionately

Sender’s Address: Kolkata
Date: 22|02|22

My Dear Brother ________

Your friend harsh met me a few days ago. he told me that you have a bookworm. you do not care at all about your health. you do not take part in games. you can’t have a sound mind without a sound body. no doubt, you are good at studies, but you have very poor health.

I advise you to be careful about your health. you should go out for a walk daily. take part in games also. you have must improve your health. one can’t enjoy one’s life without good health. if health is lost, everything is lost. be a good boy. I hope you will act upon my advice. Convey my regards to mom, dad, and all other family members. With lots of love.

Your Loving Brother

Sender’s Address:__________
Date: 22|02|22

Dear________(Your Brother Name)

Mummy was just telling me about your ill health that you were suffering from flu and cold. Brothers, you must take very good care of your health as your exams are approaching. avoid eating out and chilled recipes too.  Take good sleep by following a fixed timetable and studying well. use clean and boiled drinking water.

I advise you to take proper food and take a rest. Strike a balance between your studies and other healthy activities. Take better care of your health because “when the health is lost, everything is lost.” Hope you will take care of your health and your health recovered soon. with best wishes.

Your Loving Brother

Write a letter to your brother advising him to improve his health

Sender’s Address: Mumbai

Dear Brother,

I received your letter last evening. I am very glad to know of your good report. You have got high marks. It made us feel proud to know that you have passed the secondary examination in the I division. But I am much worried about your weak health status. I am informed that you are always poring over books. and do not care for your health.

It will hinder your growth of academic achievements. Remember, “Healthy minds live in a healthy body. Good Health is very important in life. You should take care of your health. you should do light exercise in the morning. you should take milk and fruits regularly. you should also play games in the evening. all these things will help you improve your health. with lots of love

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