International Women’s Day Speech in English


International Women’s Day Speech in English

Hello My Dear Lovely Friend, In this post “International Women’s Day Speech in English“, We will going to read about International Women’s Day as a Speech in detail. So…

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International Women’s Day Speech in English

“Feminism isn’t about making women strong women are already strong, it’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength”.

Good Morning respected principal, to all the teachers and dear friends. My name is Hari. Today I am standing in front of you to deliver a speech on international women’s Day.

International women’s Day is celebrated on 8th March every year. It is the day dedicated to celebrating the importance and significance of women in every field irrespective of their gender.

On this day women are appreciated for all their hard work and efforts made for the betterment of society. Women are equally important in society as men. So they deserve equal importance and rights in society.
International Women’s day is about valuing oneself and realizing one’s full potential. On this day we celebrate women’s achievements in various social, political, and cultural fields.
In 1909 women from a political party of America protested against various issues like low pay scale equal opportunities and lack of voting rights in New York City.
It was national women’s day, but when news spread annual celebration was done across the world. Russia set the March 8 date for the day. In 1975 the united nations recognized this day as international women’s day.

Today, women rule almost in every field of life and work, they do it all with so much zeal and ace in each one of it in their own way. modern women no longer depend on men.

In any way, she is strong and self-confident, and she is capable of doing something equal to men. we should also respect each of them, not because of gender, but because of their own identity.

We must agree that both women and men contribute equally to the development of the home and community. let us all not limit the respect and appreciation towards women only for this particular day because every day is a celebration of humanity where women play an equal and important role.

Women are the real architects of society. They are the backbone of a nation. A mother, daughter, partner, organizer, director, teacher, a woman has various roles to play in her life.
Women face biased behavior of people and education availability for women is still lower than men. They don’t have gender equality. Girl child abuse is common in many places.
Women become a victim of domestic violence and sexual abuse so many times. many global programs like conferences, panel discussion seminars, exhibitions, and concert performances are organized on the occasion.
On this day government also runs various campaigns for highlighting the social, economical, cultural, and political achievements of women. International women’s day is officially a holiday in many countries.
Modern women are independent and self-confident in every aspect and are capable of doing everything equal to men. We should respect each of them not because of gender but for their own identity.
The government, civil communities, NGOs should come together and organize activities on the occasion to empower girls and women in society.

Finally, we can say is- “Women are warriors fighting without swords and conquering through love“.

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