Harriet Tubman Essay | Essay On Harriet Tubman {Step by Step Guide}
Hello Friends, In this post “Harriet Tubman Essay | Essay On Harriet Tubman“, We will read about the great Harriet Tubman in detail As an Essay. So…
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Harriet Tubman Essay | Essay On Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman was born into slavery and escaped to freedom as a young woman. Once free herself, she became determined to free her family and anyone else that she could.
She returned many times to the South, guiding hundreds to freedom along the secret network called the Underground Railroad.
In fact, she led so many out of slavery that Harriet became known as the Moses of her people. She also served in the Union Army during the Civil War as a cook, nurse, scout, and spy.
Harriet Tubman was born sometime around 1820 – even she may not have known exactly when – and named Araminta Ross.
Both of her parents were slaves, living and working on a large plantation in Maryland. The couple had nine children, three of which were sold and sent away while Harriet was young.
Even as a small child, Harriet had to work hard. When she was only five or six years old, she was sent to a plantation house to help take care of a baby.
If the baby woke up and cried, Harriet was whipped. As she grew older, she worked in the fields and forests, plowing and driving oxen.
She always looked for ways to resist, once running away for five days, and other times wearing thick layers of clothing to soften
the beatings.
When she was about twelve years old, Harriet was accidentally hit in the head with a heavy iron weight after refusing to help punish another slave who had gone to the store without permission.
The blow knocked her unconscious and left a deep scar. She also suffered seizures, headaches, and other problems from it for the rest of her life.
In 1844, she married a free black man, John Tubman. It was around this time that Araminta Ross changed her name – to Harriet, for her mother, and Tubman, her husband’s last name.
In 1849 Harriet heard that she was going to be sold, and decided to escape.
Her husband refused to leave, so she went with two of her brothers. Her brothers changed their minds and turned back, but Harriet pushed on towards Philadelphia and freedom.
She traveled by night to avoid slave catchers, following the North Star, and guided along the Underground Railroad.
After traveling nearly 90 miles on foot, she reached Pennsylvania.
She said, I looked at my hands to see if I was the same person when I realized I had crossed the line. There was such a glory over everything; I felt like I was in Heaven as the sun shone brightly through the trees and over the fields.
Safe in Philadelphia, Harriet began to think of her family. She wanted them to be free, too.
Beginning in 1850, Harriet Tubman returned to Maryland over and over again to lead enslaved family members and friends to freedom.
In 1851, she went back for her husband, but he had married another woman and did not want to go with her.
Harriet had to be clever to avoid being caught. She usually went to rescue slaves during the winter, when the nights were long and dark and people stayed inside.
When she had a group of slaves ready to escape, they were careful not to leave until Saturday night.
The newspaper could not publish runaway notices until Monday morning, giving them a better head start.
Once, when she was about to be recognized by a former owner, Harriet grabbed a newspaper and pretended to read it.
Since everyone knew that she couldn’t read, he ignored her. On one of her last missions, Harriet rescued her parents.
Although they had both been freed, they were in danger of being arrested for helping slaves escape.
Harriet led them to Canada where they were reunited with other friends and family members that she had led to freedom.
Because of her quick thinking, Harriet was never captured, and neither were the people she was helping to escape.
Harriet said, I was conductor of the Underground Railroad for eight years, and I can say what most conductors can’t say — I never ran my train off the track and I never lost a passenger.
As the Civil war neared, Harriet stopped going to the south to rescue slaves. Instead, she helped soldiers and escaped slaves
as a nurse, and later as the leader of a band of scouts and a spy.
In 1863 Harriet Tubman became the first woman to lead an armed assault in the Civil War, in a riverboat raid that freed more than 750 slaves.
After the Confederacy surrendered in 1865, Harriet returned home to a property she had purchased in New York. In 1869, Harriet was married for the second time, to a Civil War veteran named Nelson Charles Davis.
Together they adopted a baby girl and lived together as a family until Davis died in 1888. Despite all her accomplishments, Harriet was poor.
Friends came together to help support her. One woman, Sarah Hopkins Bradford, wrote two biographies of Harriet Tubman’s life in an attempt to raise some money for her.
Eventually, Harriet was awarded a government pension for her service during the Civil War as a nurse. In her later years, she began to promote women’s suffrage.
She was once asked if she thought women should have the right to vote, and she replied I’ve suffered enough to believe it.
Harriet Tubman died of pneumonia in 1913, around the age of ninety. She was buried with semi-military honors at the Fort Hill Cemetary in Auburn, New York.
Conclusion | Harriet Tubman Essay Conclusion | Harriet Tubman Summary
Today, Harriet Tubman is remembered as an American icon. She has been commemorated with statues, many schools have been named in her honor, and she was the first African-American woman honored on a postage stamp.
In 2013, President Barack Obama approved the creation of the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument in Maryland.
She was a great person and was always looking to help other people. so the next time you see an African-American or hear the slavery story to freedom remember Harriet Tubman and how she led many of the enslaved to freedom
I hope you enjoyed this Essay On Harriet Tubman today.
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Harriet Tubman Essay Free In 300+ Words

Harriet Tubman began her life in the bonds of slavery but lived her life helping others achieve their freedom.
Araminta Harriet Ross was born into slavery around 1820 in Dorchester County Maryland. as a child she was loaned out to different plantations. By the time she turned 12.
She was working in the fields when she was a young teen. In 1844 she married john Tubman who was a free black man a fairly common.
Harriet was determined to escape her life of slavery and in 1849 she finally did it. she risked her life by making her way from Maryland to Philadelphia.
She followed the North Star and used the so-called Underground Railroad to make it to freedom. the Underground The railroad was an organized group of free blacks whites and Christian abolitionists who helped slaves escape to the north.
Harriet had made it to the promised land no one would have blamed her. she never returned to the south, she desperately wanted to free her family
She made perilous trips back to free her two brothers her sister, and her sister’s two children. she made a third trip to get her husband, she found he had taken another wife instead of returning with her husband, she saved more slaves.
Harriet was clever as she was brave figuring out countless tricks to bring many slaves to freedom over the next several years.
Her legendary status as an underground railroad conductor earned her the nickname Moses.
She is someone that you cannot forget, she is someone that really kind of changed our perception of equality and freedom and liberation and civil rights.
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