Essay On Yoga Making India Global In 500+ Words


Essay On Yoga Making India Global In 500+ Words

Hello My Dear Friends, In this post “Essay On Yoga Making India Global In 500+ Words“, we will read about Yoga Making India Global as an Essay in detail. So…

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“Yoga is a journey of the self, It makes India global and disciplined”.

“India is a birth country of Yoga, It makes India popular as well as global”.

Essay On Yoga Making India Global In 500+ Words

Yoga is a well-known term these days, it is called a spiritual discipline that is based on subtle science that aims at attaining harmony between body and mind.

Yoga is an ancient Indian art or exercise. It connects our mind and body. It is very useful for our health. It provides a place for the inner system of our body.

This is also referred to as science and art for achieving healthy living. The derivation of the word yoga is considered from the Sanskrit word “Yuj”. The meaning of Yuj is to join or unite.

It is very helpful in the mental, intellectual, and spiritual development of people. Baba Ramdev is also publicizing Yoga at home as well as abroad.

In India, the practice of yoga started centuries ago. In the present time as well, it is followed by many people due to its benefits for health as well as the overall life.

In other words, we can say yoga is the ancient way to attain physical, mental, and spiritual practice. Yoga originated in India.

Yoga has been practiced in India for about 5000 years, every person in India knows about yoga very much in advance, people know its benefits, and it has been done before it become popular in the world.

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Yoga, An Indian tradition that we have gifted the world, which is making India global. Yoga enables us to truly connect with ourselves. It enables an expansion of physical and mental abilities and helps us become the best version of ourselves.

This is the reason yoga has gained a lot of popularity across the globe with people in the US, Canada, Australia, and countries in Europe, Japan, and South Korea adopting and practic yoga in large numbers.

Yoga is a drugless Indian system that emphasizes stress management, lifestyles, and diet correction to reduce the increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, and even cancer.

Yoga is also one of the ways by which, India contributes to making the world a better place.

As Indians, it is our duty to not just remember and follow the great Indian tradition but also to promote it globally as a tool of harmony and universal brotherhood.

Our body is healthy only when there can be our mind healthy. Our mind operates the whole activities of our body. When it will be stress-free then our whole activities will be done properly.

In the same way, our heart works continuously day and night. If the blood vessels will be clean then the heart will have to do work properly.

Yoga plays a very significant role in human life. we should practice yoga for 10-20 minutes daily. Daily practice of yoga decreases our high blood pressure and risk of heart diseases. In the fast-moving world, yoga is medicine for stress and Insomnia.

Yoga is proved to be very beneficial especially for students, teachers, and researchers because it increases their mental health and concentration.

At last, we can say yoga improves the quality of our life. on June 21, international yoga day is celebrated all over the world to make people aware of the benefits of yoga.

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