Essay On World Ozone Day In English In 500+ Words {Step by Step Guide}
Hello Friend, In this post “Essay On World Ozone Day In English In 500+ Words“, we will read about World Ozone Day as an Essay In Details. So…
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Essay On World Ozone Day In English In 500+ Words {Step by Step Guide}
World Ozone Day: Means International Day For the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.
World ozone day is celebrated on 16th September every year. In 1994, September 16th was designated as “World Ozone Day” by the united nations general Assembly. Since then, 16th September is celebrated as world ozone day each year.
So, this year the theme of the world ozone day 0f 2021 is Montreal Protocol: Keeping us, our food, and vaccines cool.
The Ozone layer is a fragile shield of gas, which protects the Earth from the harmful portion of the Rays of the sun. without an ozone layer, harmful rays of the sun would reach us and harm us.
Ozone is the important layer present in the atmosphere. the ozone layer is in the atmosphere. Its formula is O3 which means tri oxygen. It is not only a molecule having a pungent smell, it is the protective layer around the earth.
The ozone layer protects the earth from ultraviolet rays. which are very hazardous for the earth. ozone is therefore a very protective layer of earth.
The ozone layer’s shelter is a variable degree less thick close to the outside of the earth contrasted with the tallness of 30km.
The only purpose of celebrating ozone day is that we all understand the importance of the ozone layer and we all come forward in protecting the ozone layer.
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On ozone day, we should try that bring more and more people to the program of the ozone day so that they also understand the importance of the ozone layer.
Today wee have time to recover, but if today we do not work to save the ozone layer, then in the future we and our coming generation may have to face a lot of damage.
So on the occasion of ozone day, programs are also organized by the government so that more and more people can be explained about the importance of the ozone layer because pollution is spread by man.
All the people of the world must collectively take the promise and adopt all the measures in order for the earth which in turn will protect our lives from hazardous and dangerous gases.
Earth without Ozone is like a house without a roof…
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