Essay On Save Water Save Life In 1000+ Words
Hello Friend, In this post “Essay On Save Water Save Life In 1000+ Words” we will read about an “Impressive And In-depth Essay On Save Water And Save Life“. So,
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Essay On Save Water Save Life In 1000+ Words
Everyone is completely dependent on fresh and potable water. Thus, an Essay On Save Water Save Life is an insight into some of the unknown and important benefits of water for human beings.
Global warming and the melting of glaciers may pose a tremendous challenge to all of us so it is very necessary to save water save life.
Water is also known as a panacea for life since it not only helps in our proper growth but also encounters so many fatal diseases that crop in our bodies.
Our survival is far dependent upon water and its single drop wastage can impose a serious threat to all or any living beings on this planet. There’s 70% water on this planet but only 2% of water is worth drinking.
During the summer season, it is a sad commentary that most of the water tabs become dry. it is estimated that by 2047 there’ll be an excellent dearth of water.so it’s essential on our part to save lots of a single drop of water to save a life.
but we adopt a really callous attitude towards the utilization of water, we become quite indifferent to the leaking pipes and taps. while bathing and saving we leave the tap open and become careless about its use.
It becomes our moral duty to harvest the rainwater. In Meghalaya, a 200 years old system of tapping, streams, and spring water for irrigation plants by using bamboo still exists. at places that rely on piped water, we have to construct dams for collecting the rainwater.
The rainwater is served to meet the demand at hard times. it is the necessity of the hour to implement such plans and must realize that every drop of water is extremely precious. to retain the groundwater, a plantation drive should be launched.
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4 Ways to Save Water Save Life
- We are going through a very dry season: frequent droughts are the new normal.
- We need to take conservation measures.
- 2016-17 hottest years on record around the world.
- Let’s take stock of India’s big water challenges
- Critical groundwater resources accounting for 40% of water are being exhausted at rapid rates.
- Estimates indicate that water demand will exceed supply by a component of two by 2030.
- This will create economic class of 6% of GDP by 2050.
The challenges need to be addressed for Save Water Save Life
- Our legal framework ties water rights to land rights, reinforcing the cognition that water is free and leading to overuse. We need an integrated legal framework for surface and groundwater governance to be established which puts all water rights within the National Trust. Union government a co-equal partner with the states in agenda setting, allocation, raising and disturbing funds, and monitoring our water resources.
- Putting water on the state list has increased zero-sum thinking among states. We need to moving water from the state to the concurrent list.
- Scare central funds should be released based on the performance of states in service delivery and on a competitive basis.
- Creating a consolidated and streamlined ministry of water.
- A national water council liable for coordination and oversight should be established that resembles the GST council.
- An integrated approach should be provided by the water council like-
- Technical expert
- Engineers
- Economists
- Ecologists
- The agriculture sector consumes 80% of our water.
- Gujarat micro-irrigation to over Six lakh farmers, 50%, of whom are small and medium ones.
- Andra Pradesh: Prioritifying water efficiency in agriculture, earmarking Rs 11000 crores to bring 40 lakhs across of land water micro-irrigation over these next five years. Andra Pradesh also needed a comprehensive water pricing and regulatory system that reveals the true economic and social cost of water while allowing drinking water to be priced at an affordable rate.
- We capture only 8% of the annual rainfall.
- Leaky transportation networks cause further losses of just about 40% of piped water in urban areas.
- Less than 15% of used water is recycled.
- Key priority: water conservation, groundwater recharge, and storage. ( Dewas district in Madhya Pradesh)
- Through govt help to farming communities for building ponds as alternative storage and give sources, the district has obtained a 6-40 feet rise in the water level, still increasing irrigated area by 120-190%.
- A well-spread and functioning network of treatment plants and piping infrastructure treatment of municipal wastewater in order to recycle it for agriculture and even drinking purposes.
- Israel, for example, meets 50% of its irrigation needs through treated municipal wastewater.
- There is little incentive for responsible behaviors.
- Most water is free or highly subsidized, and our water prices are amongst the lowest in the world.
- A higher price disincentivizes excessive consumption.
- Raising awareness and changing perceptions of water will require investments in behavior change.
- Communication initiative with internal and external stakeholders
- To that effect, the ‘national campaign for water conservation to be administered under the Ministry of drinking water and Sanitation could borrow from the effective behavior change communication initiative of the Swachh Bharat mission. Hence, we can save water to save a life by adopting these behaviors.
- Our water data systems are underdeveloped.
- Weak data and analytics contribute to inefficient allocation and incorrectly priced water and discourage innovation.
- Recent innovations in data and analytics (eg: the use of smart chips and remote sensors in pipes and canals to uncover leakages, and plan maintenance, and repairs) should be leveraged.
- It is critical to determine a central data platform to watch and coordinate data on surface and groundwater usage.
Conclusion (Essay On Save Water Save Life)
The groundwater tables in cost cities are falling at an alarming rate. another factor is water leakage. Delhi losses at least 30% of its water due to leakages and Mumbai losses about 20% of its water due to leakage.
People who live in those areas where there is the sufficiency of water available should understand the value of water and thus, save water save life.
The two states that suffer acute water scarcity in India one Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh. the water reservoirs in many cities were meant for a small population with the increasing population the available water is inadequate to meet the needs of the people.
An investigation should be done into whether more reservoirs could be built to augment the supply of drinking water to the people.
When summer is quite severe a large reservoir of water shrinks to a pool. both human beings and animals suffer for want of water. if it rains it rain and rains and there is a flood. the cultivated crops under deep water rot and shatter.
There are two extremes in India. the nation goes without water or there is heavy rain resulting in floods. wastage of water needs to be controlled. we should identify the water wastage facts and try to save water save lifes as much as possible.
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