Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In 500+ Words


Hello Friend, In this post “Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In 500+ Words“, We will read about My Vision For India In 2047 as an Essay in detail. So… 

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Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In 500+ Words

Slogan:- “Everywhere is happiness, people love each other, India free of hunger & fear, It is the vision of my India 2047”.


“After 25 years India will be celebrating its 100th anniversary of independence in 2047. I would share my vision for India in 2047”.

Developing to develop it is the journey of a nation. I to me and my to our is the key of mission 2047. Currently, India is celebrating its seventy-five years of independence.

Everyone has dreams to make the country big and democratically successful. A country where there is equality in all areas and for all genders it witnesses progress.

Like others, I also have a dream for my India and the way it should be so I can proud to live and the coming generations too. Our country in 2047 will be what we create today.

The year 2047 will be the landmark year to look at India through the prisms of development, growth, gender, equality, employment, and other factors.

What we dream is what we see, similarly, how we visualize India of 2047 will determine the revolutions we will adopt over the next twenty-five years.

One wants to see India free from poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, corruption, and other social evils. over the next twenty-five years, India should transform into a powerful nation both internally and externally.

Over this, our foremost target as a developing nation should be to work on economic fronts and make our economy stronger by bringing in some major reforms.

Besides the economic sphere, there is a need to work towards gender equality and providing equal opportunities for all irrespective of their background.

The next twenty-five years will be extremely crucial not just for our country but also for us as citizens of India.

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Essay On My Vision For India @ 100 years In English

Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In Hindi In 500+ Words

My vision for India in 2047:-

The India of my vision where women are safe and walk freely on road. Also, It will be a place where there is freedom of equality to all and everyone. It would be a place where there is no discrimination of caste, color, gender, social or economic status, and race.

I see it as a place that sees an abundance of development and growth.

Women Empowerment:-

There is a lot of discrimination against women. But, still, the women are sleeping out of their houses and making a mark on different fields and on society. My vision for India in 2047 is to become women more powerful and self-dependent.

we have to work hard to change the mind of society. My vision is India is a country that sees women as its assets, not as liabilities. Also, I want to place women on an equal level as men.


Government work to promote education. but there are many people who do not realize its true importance. the India of my vision in 2047 will be a place where education will be mandatory for all.

Caste Discrimination:-

India got independence in 1947 still we are not able to get complete independence from caste, religion, and creed discrimination. My vision for India in 2047 is where there is no discrimination of any kind.

Employment opportunities:-

There are many educated people in India. but, due to corruption and many other reasons they are unable to get a decent job. My vision for India in 2047 will be a place where the deserving candidate will get the job first rather than reserved candidates.

Health and Fitness:-

My vision for India in 2047 is to improve the health system by providing good facilities to people. people are also aware of health to fitness.


Corruption is one of the major reasons that are hindering the growth of the nation. So, my vision for India is in 2047 where the minister and official are dedicated to their work and wholly for the development of the country.


The India of my vision in 2047 will be an ideal country, where every citizen will be equal. Also, there is no discrimination of any type. In addition, It will be a place where women are seen as equals to men and respected equally.

Also Read:

Essay On My Vision For India @ 100 years In English

Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In Hindi In 500+ Words

20 thoughts on “Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 In 500+ Words”

  1. Thank you so………….. …. much it’s good for essay competition
    It’s excellent thanks 👌👌👌👌👌👍🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝


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