Essay On Mobile Phone In 250+ Words | Mobile Phone Essay In English


Essay On Mobile Phone In 250+ Words | Mobile Phone Essay In English {Step by Step Guide}

Hello my Dear Friend, In this post “Essay On Mobile Phone In 250+ Words | Mobile Phone Essay In English“, We will read about the Top 5+ Essay On Mobile Phone In detail with all its aspects. So…

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Essay On Mobile Phone In 500+ Words | Mobile Phone Essay In 500 Words


Mobile is a technology given by science in this scientific era, which is good only if we use it properly only for a limited time when needed.

The invention of the mobile phone given the world a new look. It has made human life very easy due to which it has become a part of today’s daily life.

Mobile Phones have entirely revolutionized our way of living. Excessive use of mobile phones can affect our physical and mental health.

Today smartphones are the devices that provide all the facilities that a user needs in his/her daily life, such as email, notebook, Bluetooth, high-resolution camera applications, television, video call, and many other computerized applications that a human being can just think.

Just everything has both positive and negative aspects mobile phone also has both advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Mobile Phone

Advantages of Mobile Phone

    1. The first advantage of mobile phones is that with this we can talk to any person in the world from any corner of the world.
    2. Using this we can send messages to each other. We can also make photos and videos from mobile phones.
    3. On mobile, we can use the internet so that we can read all the information available on the Internet.
    4. If we go to any new place, then with the help of mobile, we can also see the map and our current location.
    5. Mobile phones are now being used for women’s safety as well, with the help of some apps, the message reaches relatives or known persons as soon as a button is pressed so that the known persons can help the women quickly.
    6. Nowadays, with the use of mobile phones, we can easily transact money without going to the bank.
    7. We can also do online shopping from home via mobile phone.
    8. Today’s smartphone can easily perform almost all the work done on a computer.
    9. Mobiles have become a good source of entertainment, we can watch movies and TV news, listen to music, and play video games on the mobile phone, etc.
    10. We can access any emergency services such as Police, Fire, and Medical as per our requirement.

Disadvantages of Mobile Phones

  1. Children play games for more time. This will hamper their studies.
  2.  Children have been addicted to mobile.
  3.  People have become addicted to using social network sites, apps such as Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp for a longer duration.
  4. Excessive use of mobile phones weakens the eyes, which may lead to several eyesight-related issues in the future.
  5. Mobile also affected our real social life because of our so much busyness on social media.
  6. Mobile radiation is very harmful to our health.
  7. Today’s generation has become so much addicted to the smartphone that they keep checking their mobile again and again without any reason, due to which they are unable to do their important work correctly.
  8. Nowadays people keep talking on mobile while driving, which distracts them and the accidents happen.
  9. More use of mobile also weakens the memory because we save everything in the mobile itself and do not try to remember.
  10. Excess use of smartphones is a waste of time as most people waste their precious time watching the phone without any reason.


If we use the mobile to a greater extent, then it can also have very serious consequences. therefore, we should use mobile for a limited time only.

It is very small portable and easy to carry. It is a very important thing in my, life, can contact easily with my friends and family member by calling or sending messages anywhere in the world. Surviving without a mobile phone in this era is very difficult. It is considered a faster mode of communication.

In fact, mobile is very important because it can use it in many works like voice calls, video calls, SMS, internet browsing, photography, videography, emails, etc.

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Essay On Mobile Phone In 250 Words | Essay on Mobile Phone Advantages and Disadvantages

Essay On Mobile Phone
Essay On Mobile Phone


Technological developments in the field of communication have made mobile phones smart enough to be able to make video calls, internet browsing, play games, take high-resolution pictures and even control other relevant gadgets.

A mobile phone is a device used for a voice call. Nowadays mobile phones are also used for SMS, the internet, playing video games, photography, sending emails, video calls, group meetings via video conference, etc.

As everything has a positive and negative side, mobile phones have also some advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Mobile Phones

  1. Mobile phones made communication easy with friends and family members
  2. Text messaging or SMS messaging and Connectivity to services such as Email, Instant Messaging, and Social Media,
  3. Book tickets, access banking accounts Navigation via GPS & Map applications.
  4. Nowadays smartphones are available which helps in watching movies online, playing online games, listening to music, etc.
  5. It has been an educational device. we can browse various websites using the internet facility and get information.
  6. If you went to some unwanted place and you lost then you can call someone else.
  7. You can walk along the dark road by switching your flashlight.

Disadvantages of Mobile Phone

  1. The use of smartphones has a very bad effect on the students because the students keep playing games, movies, and music for entertainment throughout the day, which makes them unable to study.
  2. Mobile phone radiation affects some of the parts of the human body such as the brain, heart, fertility organs, etc.
  3. If the mobile phone is stolen then it may lead to a privacy leak.
  4. Students get distracted by mobile phones while studying.
  5. There is a possibility of leakage of information.


A mobile phone is a simple and easy means of communication. It has revolutionized our personal communication system.

The mobile phone is the most popular and useful gadget in the present time through there are few disadvantages of mobile phones, we can not deny the usefulness or necessity of mobile phones in our day-to-day life.


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Essay On Mobile Phone In 200 Words | Mobile Phone Essay In 200 Words

Mobile Phone Essay In English
                              Mobile Phone Essay In English


Nowadays mobile phones have become a basic need for us. So, the mobile phone has completely changed the lives of humans for many years.

We can use the facility of the Internet on mobile. these days mobiles are used for many types of official works such as meetings, sending and receiving documents, presentations, etc.

It can also be used for mobile banking. it makes our task easier and saves time. a mobile phone could be both positive and negative depending on how we use it.

Pros Of Mobile Phones

  1. Voice Communication.
  2. It is helpful in sending messages in written forms.
  3. Audio and videos can be sent on a button of click.
  4. Very useful applications are available in mobile phones as cameras, alarms, calculators.\
  5. It helps in spotting the location using GPS.
  6. Internet facilities can be accessed at any place with the help of a mobile phone.
  7. Through mobile phones, video calls can be possible.
  8. It is wireless and easily carried from one place to another.

Cons of Mobile Phones

  1. Using mobile phones for long hours affects the eyes.
  2. Talking on mobile phones while driving is dangerous.
  3. Students get distracted by mobile phones while studying.
  4. There is a possibility of leakage of information.
  5. Excessive use of phones made sleepless nights, etc.


A mobile phone is also known as a cellular phone. we can get information on any topic via browsing on the internet on the mobile phone. If we are lost in an unknown place we can use Google Map to get the direction of the particular place.

Mobile phones are used for a number of purposes like- voice calling, video games, video chatting, text messaging, or SMS. Hence it is also called a smartphone.


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Essay On Mobile Phone In 150 Words | Paragraph About Mobile Phone

All most every mobile phone has internet facilities. I can make presentations and search for information easily on any topic. I can regularly check my email. My mobile phone keeps me connectëd with people. Through social media like Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter.

Mobile phones are used for entertainment. It not only helps me in making calls but also helps to entertain. I play games, listen to music, watch movies in my free time and do lots of other stuff. In my free time, I listen to the radio on my cell phone and keep myself up to date.

As phones which come with Android, Apple I0S, and Window Phone operating system. It comes with many different apps like educational apps that really help me in my studies.

I download a dictionary app that helps me to get the meaning of any word. Skype and Imo will help me in communicating video chat with my parents at any time. I can capture pictures and make videos through my mobile phone. It is part of my life. My life is boring without it.

10 Lines On Mobile Phone | Ten Lines On Mobile Phone

  1. A mobile phone is also known as a cell phone or Hand Phone.
  2. It comes in different shapes and sizes.
  3. Most of the phones are touchscreen phones and easy to use called a smartphone.
  4. They are used for many purposes like- voice calling, video calling, text messages, videography, photography, payments, shopping, internet browsing, etc.
  5. Smartphones are like handheld computers.
  6. The mobile phone makes the world more close wins the world.
  7. They can be carried anywhere in the pocket.
  8. This amazing invention made our win’s World lives simpler.
  9. Now almost all men have at least one mobile.
  10. The mobile phone is one of the important inventions.

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