Essay On Lord Of The Flies | Lord Of The Flies Essay {Step by Step Guide}
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Essay On Lord Of The Flies
In the novel, a group of schoolboys land on an island after their plane crashes. They elect a leader, Ralph, whose main goal is to keep a signal fire going so they can get rescued.
Throughout the novel, the fire changes from being strong to going out, to being strong again. As the strength of the fire changes, so does the meaning. The symbolism of the signal fire changes throughout Lord of the Flies.
In the beginning, it symbolizes the boys’ chances of getting rescued, in the middle it represents losing all hope of being rescued, and in the end, it shows the boys’ savagery.
At the beginning of the novel, the signal fire represents the boys’ hope of getting rescued. Ralph has been elected chief and calls an assembly. He tells the other boys the most important thing is getting rescued. However, they are on a remote and uninhabited island.
Because of this, if a ship or plane passes by, they probably will not be able to see the boys. Ralph suggests they start a fire on the top of the mountain to make smoke.
“There’s another thing. We can help them to find us. If a ship approaches the island, it is possible that they will miss us. As a result, we’ll have to make smoke on top of the mountain. We must make a fire”.
This shows that the boys have hope of getting rescued. They believe that a ship or plane will pass by their island soon, and they have to be ready to let them know they are on the island.
Ralph states that getting rescued is the most important thing, and most of the boys think so too because they believe it will happen soon. However, after not getting rescued for more than a few weeks, the boys start to lose hope that they will get rescued.
In the middle of the novel, the signal fire represents the boy’s losing hope of getting rescued. During an assembly, the boys decided that Jack and his hunters would be in charge of keeping the signal fire going. They planned on taking shifts staying up at the top of the mountain.
However, Jack has been unable to get a pig when they go hunting. He tells the twins that they need to come hunting with him,
leaving the signal fire unattended., “l was chief, and you were going to do what I said. You talk.
You can’t even build huts, so you go off hunting and put the fire out… A ship was there”. Ralph confronts Jack when he returns from hunting. There was a ship that passed by, but the boys did not get rescued because the signal fire was out.
The boys realize that without the signal fire, passing ships or planes will not be able to see them. They realize this may have been their only chance to get rescued.
As the fire goes out, the boys lose hope of getting rescued. As the boys lose hope of getting rescued, they also lose their civilization and descend into savages.
At the end of the novel, the signal fire symbolizes that the boys have become complete savages. After Ralph confronts Jack, Jack decides to leave the group. He forms his own group, taking most of the older boys with him. He then kidnaps the twins, and Roger kills Piggy, leaving Ralph alone.
The twins tell Ralph that Jack will hunt him and that Roger has sharpened a stick at both ends. One of the ways Jack will bunt him is by smoking him out of the jungle.
“Then Ralph ran under the trees, with the grumble of the forest explained. They smoked him and set the island on fire…
We saw your smoke… What were you doing? Having a war or something…Nobody killed, I hope? Any dead bodies? Ralph nodded again. The entire island was shaking with fire behind him.”
This quote exemplifies how savage the boys have become. Jack and his hunters now use the fire as a murder weapon, showing that they have lost all civilization. The fact that the boys are now planning a murder shows that they have no humanity left.
The signal fire, acting as the murder weapon, is ironic. It originally was intended to save them and prevent anyone from getting hurt. Now, it is used as a murder weapon but leads to them getting rescued.
The signal fire’s symbolism as the boys as savages is shown when the naval officer asks how many dead bodies they have. He jokes, but Ralph starts crying because he knows the fire has taken away their innocence and humanity.
Throughout William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, the signal fire stands as an important symbol. From the beginning to the end of the novel, the meaning changes. In the beginning, it symbolizes the boys’ hope of getting rescued.
They put the signal fire at the top of the mountain so any passing ships or planes can see it. They are positive that they will get rescued soon. In the middle of the novel, the meaning changes, and the fire signal now represent the boys losing hope of getting rescued.
Jack took the boys who were supposed to be tending the signal fire along on his hunt. The fire goes out, and a ship passes by. The boys did not rescue because the fire was out. In the end, the signal fire shows that the boys have lost all humanity and become savages.
Jack uses the signal fire to set the island on fire and smoke out Ralph to murder him. This shows that he is a savage because he is planning a murder Just like Nikola Tesla said fire can turn from a spark into a blaze; however, in Lord of the Flies the blaze
shows the boys’ descent into savagery.
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