Essay On Jan Aushadhi- Sewa Bhi Rojgar Bhi In 500+ Words


Essay On Jan Aushadhi- Sewa Bhi Rojgar Bhi

Hello Friends, In this post “Essay On Jan Aushadhi- Sewa Bhi Rojgar Bhi“, We will about Jan Aushadhi- Sewa Bhi Rojgar Bhi as an Essay In English. So…

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Due to rising inflation and low income in India, many people are unable to get their treatment. Even nowadays, it becomes very difficult for an ordinary person to afford his treatment and this is because of the expensive medicines found in the shop.

Many people are so afraid of expensive drug expenses that they do not even get their treatment done. at the same time, realizing this problem of the people, the government has launched a new scheme for them.

Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi scheme has been launched by the government of India for those who are unable to bear the burden of more expensive medicines.

The scheme was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 1st July 2015. this scheme will help not only the poor but also the people of middle-class families.

According to this scheme, people will be given cheap medicines. you can easily take these medicines from any Jan Aushadhi Kendra opened by the government.

Under the scheme, the government will create Jan Aushadhi Kendra, where generic medicines will be sold to the general public.

The most important job of Pradhanmantri Jan Aushadhi Abhiyan is to make the public aware of generic medicines and to tell that these medicines are also similar to branded medicines.

Also, there is no compromise in its quality and they are easily available in the market. Often doctors ask patients to take branded medicines in order to earn money from the company of that medicine.

On the other hand, If you take generic medicines, then you will get this medicine at a price of 60-70% less than branded medicines.

Any person can apply to start a Jan Aushadhi Kendra, you must be a citizen of India. Hospitals, NGOs, pharmacists, doctors, and the general public can open these drug centers.

If you are some SC/ST category OR  differently-abled, the government of India will also provide financial assistance of Rs 50000.

According to this scheme, if a person opens this center, he will be given income for one year by the government. 10% of the sale from the total sale in the year will also be given as an incentive by the government.

On the other hand, if a Naxalite opens a store in the affected area, it will get a margin of up to 15%. at the same time, the incentive amount will be 15,000 rupees in the Naxalite affected area. you can also do your business through Pradhanmantri Jan Aushadhi Kendra.

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