Essay On Improving the Quality of Education In Nigeria using Technology
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Essay On Improving the Quality of Education In Nigeria using Technology
The creative use of digital tools and technology during teaching and learning is known as digital education. It is a form of teaching and learning that integrates technological instructional approaches and makes good use of technology.
The use of the internet or ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to enhance and support the teaching and learning process is known as digital education. It’s also known as E-learning or technology-enhanced learning (TEL).
Although some form of digital education exists in Nigeria’s educational system, particularly in the private sector, the idea of using technology in the classroom is still very new and even controversial for practically all stakeholders in education.
The following are some of the reasons for the controversies: a lack of competent staff to operate available systems, insufficient ICT infrastructure, a lack of finances, a lack of efficient coordination of all the various ICT for education, and so on.
Despite the challenges that have hampered the complete implementation of digital education in Nigeria, some schools have accepted it and are enjoying the benefits.
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When we examine the education systems of developed countries throughout the world, such as those in Europe and America, it is clear that the great success that these systems have achieved is due to the adoption and effective use of technology that facilitates teaching and learning.
As a result, improving digital education in Nigeria’s education sector is critical if the country is to produce global graduates. There are numerous ways to accomplish the above, especially if all hands are on deck;
First and foremost, the education system, particularly the government, should be adequately funded. It is self-evident that in order to create an effective E-learning environment, the internet must be available and accessible in schools. There should be sufficient finances available to purchase internet facilities that are easily accessible to teachers and students.
Furthermore, in order to promote digital education in Nigeria, all educational stakeholders must shift their mindsets from perceiving technology as a threat to recognizing ways in which technology may enhance the teaching and learning experience.
During a meeting with some instructors, many of them expressed strong opposition to young students having access to the internet in classrooms. They attribute the usage of the internet to the rise in moral decay among society’s youth.
While it is true that uncontrolled and inappropriate internet use among young learners can be damaging, it is important to remember that these students are digital natives who use the internet in practically everything they do.
In addition to the foregoing, safety measures should be implemented to ensure that, at the very least, students’ access to particular material is managed and monitored during school hours.
This can be accomplished if the government and school authorities work along with computer companies like techno, LG, and others to develop customized tablets and laptops.
These specialized E-learning tools would be programmed to restrict students’ access to only the materials and information they require for learning.
The resources should also be designed in such a way that kids will appreciate being actively involved. This is what I refer to as “distracting their distraction.”
When suitable ICT infrastructures are made available in Nigeria, the practice of digital education would become effective. In Nigeria, the majority of government-run schools lack even a functional ICT laboratory. Teachers draw computers on the board for students in these schools, and that is all they know about computers.
There are few digital classrooms in private schools. There is only one projector in some of these schools, and the internet connection is restricted to specific regions of the school and to specific personnel members, never to students. This practice will not improve Nigeria’s digital education.
Adequate ICT infrastructures should be made available in schools if we are to adopt the usage of ICT in our government schools and improve its use in our private schools.
Furthermore, if Nigerian digital education improves, the country would be less reliant on government support for education.
The truth is that the Nigerian government has not shown much interest in the education sector throughout the years. As a result, waiting for the government alone to improve education, much alone adapt and improve digital education, is similar to Oscar Wilde’s “waiting for Godot.”
As a result, private education investors have become considered necessary. Multinational corporations and businesses should spend more on education by establishing E-learning classrooms in schools, training educators in the use of ICT in teaching and learning, and providing infrastructure in schools, among other things.
The improvement of digital education necessitates competent staff to effectively coordinate the various ICT for education in such schools. These institutions should hire tech-savvy people to keep an eye on internet usage.
What can we expect to find in the majority of private schools that claim to offer digital education? We have one or two engineers in charge of managing everything related to ICT in the school, who may or may not be “specialists” in the use of ICT-related issues. This is not acceptable since it obstructs the successful implementation of E-learning.
In order to improve digital education in Nigeria, educators must be taught the use of ICT, especially for instructional reasons. It’s unfortunate that most instructors and educators can’t even operate their phones correctly, let alone other ICT infrastructures.
Most teachers are unaware that they may create virtual classrooms for students, conduct virtual field trips in the classroom, and so on. This underlines the importance of preparing teachers to be tech-savvy.
To summarize, improving digital education in Nigeria would help to improve our educational quality, and if all stakeholders in education adopt a “can-do mentality, digital education practices in the Nigerian education sector will improve.
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love it
I agree with you ,self this is what I
used to write an essay.
Are u attending f.c.e
Is it a competition, if it is yes, what kind of competition
Yes it is a competition.
It an essay competition
Improving the Quality of Education should be everybody’s business if we are to maximize the technology and digital education..
In Nigeria, the system of the education so backward that only the haves can afford it..
you are right government need to work together
So good
Yes improving the quality of education should everyone but most especially the government and stake holders
We really need technology it will really help us in many ways let take a look at the covid 19 pandemic technology really help us
Interesting and reasonable
Correct we need technology in this country
Good one
This is d best essay I’ve ever read 😁
This is wonderful and educative
This is wonderful and educative.
Wonderful and makes sense
This is true and interesting. Top-notch ending too! If the government work on this, a brighter future awaits us and the arising generation. Good job!
it’s very sensitive
Very educative
Very good and Educative.we really need technology in Nigeria for effective learning.Thank you so much,this knowledge of yours has really helped me to develope more knowledge.
There is nothing better than this, I checked
I love it very much.
I want to submit my essay
This essay is so wonderful am already thinking how will i crack my brain on this but my sister gave me the best idea to search for it but i find the answer to this so wonderful
Thanks, Dear…
This essay is so wonderful am already thinking how will i crack my brain on this but my sister gave me the best idea to search for it but i find the
answer to this so wonderful
very good i love it thanks people
How technologyimproves in education
1.digital simulation and model
2.Advanced Research
3.improved communication
4.fun learning
5.online group collaboration
6.effective Assessments
7.learning at one’s own pace
I appreciate all effort in putting up this
Interesting and nice. I have gained a lot as a student