Essay On Bullying | Bullying Essay In English {Step by Step Guide}
Hello Friend, In this post “Essay On Bullying | Bullying Essay In English“, We will read about Bullying with its all aspects in detail as an Essay. So…
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Essay On Bullying | Bullying Essay In English
Key Elements Of Bullying
- Aggression with an intent to harm (eg. rather than something playful)
- A power differential between two people (bully and the victim) based on one or more of many characteristics (e.g., social status, physical status, or identification of some vulnerability)
- Repetition of the aggressive acts
- The negative impact even if that is not the intent
Forms of Bullying
- Physical (eg. hitting, kicking, shoving, damaging property)
- Verbal (eg., name-calling. mocking, humiliating, racial, or sexual comments)
- Social (eg. excluding others, spreading rumors, sabotaging relationships)
- Electronic (e g. cell phones, use of email, Internet sites, text messages)
Bullying Foci and Targets
- Racial, ethnic, cultural,
- Religion
- Sex and sexual identity or orientation
- Physical or psychological disability
- Any exceptional” characteristic (eg. too heavy, too thin; bi- or multi-racial)
- Nothing exceptional but a person is not very likely to strike back
Scope of the Bullying Problem
- Approx 40-80% of all students are exposed to or experience bullying at some point.
- 20-40% have bullied or have joined while others are bullying.
- 27% report being harassed for not conforming to sexually stereotyped behavior.
- 7-12% are chronic bullies.
- 5-15% are chronic victims.
- >60% of elementary and secondary school students rate bullying as the major problem in their lives-more concerned about emotional maltreatment and social cruelty from peers than anything else.
Many Reasons for Increased Attention
1. Dramatic High-profile Cases in the News
2. Human Rights Issue
3. International Focus and Attention to Bullying
4. Bullying is More Common than we Thought
5. Scope of Impact of Bullying is Worse than we Thought
6. Many Parents are Involved and Seek Legal Action
7. Major Organizations and Foundations are Involved
Not Just Bullies and Victims
Four Groups to be Concerned About:
1. Victims
2. Bullies
3. Bully/Victims (they bully and are bullied)
4. Bystanders (usually just watch)
Victims: Consequences of Being Bullied
Mental Health:
Signs of distress, anxiety, depression, and withdrawal but also more disruptive behavior, bedwetting. feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, and self-blame- for their experience of harassment (t is something about me, there is nothing I can do). suicidal thoughts or attempts, for adolescents, delinquent behavior, substance activities (eg. carrying a weapon). Prominent signs: negative views Use, the antisocial act of themselves.
Physical Health:
Sleep disturbances, stomach aches, headaches, vomiting objective indices of a stress reaction.
School Functioning:
Absenteeism, decreases in achievement, negative attitude toward school, efforts to avoid going to school.
Social Relations:
Social isolation, poor peer relationships.
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Defined: Being socially excluded, ignored, or isolated
Impact: Distress, anger, sadness, feelings of loss of control, anger
Immediate Effects (try to get back into the group)
- Become more compliant
- Become more agreeable
- Cooperate more, and express greater attractiveness of others in the group
Delayed Effects (as the above fails)
- Aggression and anger lead to further exclusion
- Social “pain, “activates similar areas of the brain as does physical pain
Loneliness (Essay On Bullying)
Defined: Subjective experience of social isolation, whether or not one really is isolated or has others in one’s life.
- Operates like chronic stress and has an impact on health and disease.
- For example, the risk of death of social isolation in adults is about as large as cigarette smoking and greater than the effects of not exercising or of being obese.
Summary: Ostracism, Loneliness, and Prolonged Stress More Generally
Impact: Broad Effects and Untoward Consequences on Mental and Physical Health.
Physical Health Consequences
- Perhaps more surprising of the two categories
- These consequences including higher rates of illness and earlier than expected death in adulthood
- Impact on health and longevity is through damage to the immune system:
- Activates genes that promote (rather than thwart) inflammation
- Reduces ability to ward off infection
Bullies: Characteristics and Consequences
Mental Health:
More “acting out’/disruptive behaviors including aggression, rule-breaking, and delinquency, in teen years, depression symptoms, substance use, and abuse (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes).
Physical Health:
Early school years, headaches, more bedwetting9
School Functioning:
Absenteeism, negative attitude, failing grades, left behind more, poor school adjustment, and functioning in general
Peer Relations:
In the early school years, they enjoy special status and may even be popular. They are socially competent, feel fine about themselves, but have negative attributions about others in social situations. Over time they are rejected and isolated from the group.
Bystanders: Characteristics and Consequences
Mental Health:
Bystanders and victims show elevated distress and that distress is similar and sometimes greater than what children experience where there is a natural disaster or other life-threatening experience; fear, stress, some anxiety, depression. Prominent guilt and feeling bad for not intervening, feeling uncomfortable about the entire experience.
Physical Health:
Not so clear or well studied.
School Functioning:
A negative attitude about the school, less interest in school where there is bullying. Least well studied, but we know they experience the stress and reaction of victims but not as severe. Their academic functioning is harmed and they are likely to have a negative attitude toward school.
Parent Reactions NOT Likely to Work
1. Have the Child Stand Up to the Bully
2. Just ignore It
3. Let me (parent) Take Care of lt
4. Ask the Teacher or School to Take Care of It
All of the above share 3 features:
- They all express genuine caring, concern, and good intentions.
- The parent will feel better about taking action.
- They are likely to be ineffective.
Teacher/School Reactions NOT Likely to Work
1. Knowledge/Understanding-Based Interventions
- Raise awareness programs (lectures, assemblies)
- Use a “bad” incident (e.g, suicide) as a “teachable moment”
- Explain why bullying is not good and what should be done
- Other appeals to understanding or empathy
2. Punitive School Policies
- Three Strikes and You are Out (of school)
- Zero Tolerance
- Tough Love (a variant of zero tolerance)
- Kicking out of school (detention, expulsion)
Effective School-Based Interventions
Key Ingredients
1. Focus on School Climate (quality of relationships, clear rules, activities, and expectations, value for academic work among teachers, and students, non-harsh and fair (perceived) discipline (e.g., no teacher bullying).
2. Focus on Students as a Group (develop a culture where bullying is not supported by anyone, no code of silence or secrecy).
3. Multilevel Intervention (administrators, teachers, other staff (custodial, cafeteria workers), students, and parents involved).
4. Systematic Measurement (data collection from some measure such as questionnaires, school-based logs, and incident report, Web-based assessment obtained from students and staff).
What Parents Can Do
1. Look for Any Signs of Bullying
Anxiety about the school, mentions teasing, does not want to talk about school, moodiness, and withdrawal, sleep problems, unexplained cuts, bruises, or lost items.
2 Foster Better Dialogue
Be an “Askable Parent”; model conversation about your day
3. Quantity and Quality Time
Idle time together, not necessarily in any activity, just be around if and as you can
4 Avoid ‘normal Parent Interrogation
“How was school? Do you have any homework? Did anyone at school bother you?….” I love you, that’s why I ask.
5. Supervise and Limit Computer Time
6 Engage in Problem Solving with your Child
Identify bullying scenarios, concrete ways (more than one) to handle them, likely consequences of these responses, and then practice.
7. Contact the School and Other Parents to Begin a School Effort.
Interpersonal Violence Beyond Bullying
There are many types of interpersonal violence and none is under very good control in the US:
- Child Abuse
- Sexual Assault
- Domestic Violence
- Elder Abuse
- Gang Violence
- Terrorism
- Assorted crimes
The different types of interpersonal violence are interrelated in two ways
1. Perpetuating Violence
- Being aggressive or violent in one way (e.g., bullying, abusing a child, being harsh with one’s pet) is related to being violent in other ways currently and/or later.
- Exposure to one kind of violence (e.g. child abuse, media violence) increases the likelihood that a child will engage in a variety of types of violence.
2. Being a Victim of Violence
- Being a victim of one kind of violence (e.g., bullying, child abuse) increases the likelihood that one will be victimized in another way later (e.g.. abused girls, more likely to experience date rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence years later).
A Lovely Notes For Readers: (Essay On Bullying)
A study shows that almost 50% of students grades 4-12 reported being bullied by other students. Many people think that they are ugly and that they aren’t good enough.
Guess what…
You are good enough, pretty enough, and…strong enough!
Don’t let those words hurt you. Don’t let those words defy you.
Those words can only defy the one who said them.
No one can ever defy you and that is why you have to express yourself.
Let people know who you truly are. Don’t hide, there are so many people that love you for what you are.
And for those who aren’t being bullied…
Stand with those who are. And if you won’t stand with them speak up for them. Just remember that life isn’t easy for everyone.
All you are doing is placing speed bumps on their road to the future.
The person you are putting down is just going to rise up again and eventually have a successful life.
Thanks For Reading “Essay On Bullying | Bullying Essay In English“.
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