Debate On Independent India @75 Self-Reliance with Integrity In English
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Debate On Independent India @75 Self-Reliance with Integrity
On August 15, 2021, India has been 75 years got independence.
On this day, Indians pay tribute to all the prominent leaders of India who have heroically fought for the country’s freedom in the past.
Our main goal of celebrating independence Day is to educate our young generation about the pride and courage of our great freedom fighters, as well as a colonial rule.
When our country became independent many dreams were seen for India by our country’s devotees.
Which are still incomplete and it’s our duty to fulfill them. now it’s our responsibility to make India again a golden bird.
Today our country is moving from developing countries to developed countries. So, many dreams have already been seen to make India a developed country.
One of the main points is self-reliance in India. the dream of self-reliance in India was seen by the nation’s father. But to this date, this dream has not been completely fulfilled.
Because to become a self-reliant India, it is very important to have true integrity. any work is impossible without integrity.
Self-reliance is an important weapon by which every country makes its value in the world.
He is not dependent on any other country for any material. Just like a person stands on his feet and does not need any crutches or support to stand.
If steps are taken towards self-reliance with true integrity then corruption, black marketing, etc, which is spread in the society can be completely eliminated and our India can again stand before us as a golden bird.
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As we all know that our India has completed 75 years of independence. We fought many struggles to get freedom in our country.
When our country was the slave of the British, our country was completely hollowed out by them.
India’s money had remained with the British and not from India. The foreigner power was completely occupying almost all over India.
But it is said that time is always changing, soon India became independent after hard struggles, but some negative elements are given by the British are still exist in India today.
The way the British adopted the policy of divide, rule, and turned Indians against their own people and taught them to starve the country.
Today, in the same way, some social elements keep a serious problem like corruption in front of us.
Today our country may be moving towards self-reliance but corruption is still present in our country to some extent.
With self-reliance, integrity, hard work, and patriotism are also needed. If every person today takes steps towards self-reliance with hard work, dedication, and respect for India, then integrity will automatically permeate the country.
So, in the end, we can say that the country can be given respect with true loyalty. But to eradicate the root-like corruption. self-reliance, hard work, and dedication are necessary.
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