
Essay On An Evening Scene In My Village (Step By Step Guide)


Essay On An Evening Scene In My Village (Step By Step Guide)

Hello Friend, In this post “Essay On An Evening Scene In My Village“, We will read about a great Essay on An Evening Scene In My Village by Firaq Gorakhpuri. So…

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Essay On An Evening Scene In My Village In English

Every moment of day and night has its own poetry. Only when dullness overcomes us do we fail to see or perceive the glory of things.
For most people evening means that the day’s work is done. There is a scientific reason for this. Everything on earth and every creature on earth derives energy from the sun. With sunset life on the earth slows down.

Evening means rest. Even rivers and streams seem to have a gentler flow in the evening. Birds are seen flying back to their resting places in the evening. It is also the hour of the cow-dust, Godhooli.

Cattle that are not taken out to grazing ground are fed. India is a poor country and so earthen lamps or lanterns are lighted in every cottage but only for some time.

Most villagers cannot afford the expense of burning oil. So the lamps are lighted for a while as a symbol of the worship of Lakshmi.

Now villages have begun to be electrified. When living standards improve it is that villages and the homes in the villages will not remain plunged in darkness almost for the whole night.

The Ploughman homeward plods his weary way, says the poet. It is a common sight in the villages for the most part of the year. Most villagers take their meal early in the evening. Often there is a lighted fire under some tree in particular spots in the village in the winter months.

Villagers gather around this fire and village gossip goes on. The women in the villages fill pitchers and pails of water at the village wells in the evening. Soon after they are engaged in cooking simple fare for the household.

Quiet descends on the village in the evening. Now that schools and colleges have been started in the villages, many boys are seen doing homework as evening shades into the night.

The evening scene in a village changes with the change of the seasons. But almost without change, the evening is a time for village gossip to go on either under the open sky or under the roofs of houses or cottages.

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