Yours affectionately
It was quite a long since we had received a letter from you. yesterday your progress report for the second-semester examination from your principal reached out to us. we have become very shocked to know from the report that you have failed almost in all subjects.
We had although a high opinion about you, but you disappointed us greatly. I am sure that you keep bad company and while away your time. You should remember that time once gone can never be got back and bad habit once formed is not easy to give up.
I would like to remind you that we belong to a middle-class family. our educational expenses are borne with great difficulty. we have to stand on our own feet.
We must not do anything which pains our parents. You should know that only the fittest service. time is not long ahead of when you will have to earn.
Without proper education, you cannot expect to get a good job. student life is the proper time to get the proper education. So, you must be sincere and regular in your studies. wishing you all the best.
Your Lovely Brother
A letter to your younger brother advising him to be attentive Of his study
Sender’s Address:
My Dear Brother,
I received a letter yesterday from your father informing me that you are very indifferent to your studies as a result of which you cut a very sorry figure in the last examination. this is very shocking to me and it pains me most.
It is undesirable. you are aware that education makes a man great. besides, education is a must succeed in life. And without study education is not attainable. it will not be out of place to mention that life is not a bed rose.
It is full of struggles. to succeed in life, a good academic career is essential. there is no alternative to regular study to cut a brilliant figure in the examination. if you neglect your studies, you will see a dark future.
Therefore, I am advising you to go on studying regularly. At the same, I do hope and believe that you will comply with my advice without falling. no more is today. Convey my regards to all your parents.
Your Lovely Brother
Finally, Thanks For Reading “A letter to your younger brother advising him to be attentive of his study“.
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